Heed Obama's instincts because they'll matter far more if he's re-elected!
ALL Liberty Is Under Assault By This Progressive Agenda, Not Just Religious Liberty!
We didn't need this current issue of HHS forcing religious organizations to provide contraceptives and the morning after abortion pill to know about President Obama's progressive instincts. But it surely provides added clarity for those of you who still don't get it or what's at stake because of it.
Three years ago he and a Democratic congress rammed ObamaCare down our throats, going out of their way to ignore(!) pleas by Congressional Republicans to at least debate the legislation. By unilaterally forcing it on Americans they put us on notice that they ARE(!) determined to do whatever they want, arrogantly refusing(!) to debate important legislation and thereby patently refusing to compromise. That they dare to claim high ground on compromise and blame lack of it on Republicans demonstrates both their arrogance and commitment to implementing a progressive agenda no matter what. That action on one of the most important pieces of legislation in our country's history proves clearly what their basic and default instincts are: No compromise! In fact, take no prisoners ... no mercy!
So, here we go again this week with their affirmation(!) that ObamaCare requires religious institutions to provide the forementioned 'medical' coverage. That they could utter those words in total defiance of constitutional principles ought to alarm everyone. That they subsequently capitulated to an outcry and backed off that requirement isn't the important news.
They do not deserve credit for being magnanimous or fair by changing their minds. If they were those things they wouldn't have implemented or later affirmed the requirement in the first place. They didn't change their minds because they saw the error in requiring such a thing. What's important is their arrogance even daring to make it a requirement in the first place and then in the face of strong opposition reaffirming it! The possibility of losing the Catholic vote is what made them change their minds, not an understanding(!) how wrong they were in the first place. The important lesson for us is that it demonstrates their instincts favoring(!) unilateral force (Compromise? What's that?), progessive agenda trumps all considerations and ignoring constitutional principles and laws that stand in their way. Have they apologized for going too far? Heck no! What they're sorry about is not getting what they still(!) want.
Why this is so important:
Their instincts have mattered these past three years. They will matter even more should they get another four years to push their progressive agenda. If you think the arrogance of this administration has been excessive his first term, just wait to see what a second term will bring when he's not constrained by re-election worries! And if Democrats should gain control of the House and Senate you will see a progressive assault on liberty, free enterprise and constitutional principles and freedoms that you or our founders never imagined possible in Our Republic.
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