Monday, November 5, 2012

Hope and Change Becomes Hate and Divide

VP Biden has exhibited much anger during the current presidential campaign. Pictures like the one above are commonplace. He looks that way when he's describing Republicans in general, conservatives in particular. And this expression has been standard when talking about the Republican candidates opposing him and President Obama.

Then there's President Obama who has set a new low in demonizing the entire Republican party and their representatives. In the past two weeks he has called Romney's economic plans and, therefore, anyone who supports them unpatriotic. The Democratic SuperPac said something similar saying supporting Romney's plans makes him an economic traitor. Obama owns that traitor comment just as if he'd said it since he hasn't refuted/disavowed that comment from one of Obama's primary campaign contributors. Besides it's consistent with his patriotism comment.

The latest? Friday President Obama encouraged an audience of supporters in Ohio to "get revenge"on Romney by voting for Obama. What did Romney do to Ohioans to deserve a call to revenge by the President of the United States?

These terms don't just apply to Romney because they're all directed at Romney's policies. By supporting those policies one therefore one becomes likewise defined as unpatriotic and a traitor on whom revenge must be taken.

This is hateful and very divisive(!) talk coming from the two most powerful people in our country. It's unbecoming and flat unconscionable for them to talk that way to half of the country's citizens. Y'know, half of the people for whom he works! The President of the United States is the president of ALL Americans, not just those who support his policies. He has a constitutional duty/responsibility to treat ALL Americans with respect while disagreeing with half of us on policy.

Telling half the country to take revenge on the other half is outrageous talk by a president. Those are not the words of a uniter, rather a divider. That's so contrary to his constitutional obligations.

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