Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Message For President Obama

I just sent the following message to President Obama on the White House website to challenge whether he's serious about unity this time or whether what he said in his acceptance speech is all hot air just like it was four years ago. And I requested a response. If the response is anything but patronizing I'll be surprised. If he regrets dividing our country instead of setting an example how to unite people with differing views we need to hear him say it publicly and we need to see it for a change(!) by his behavior with Republicans in congress. After all he IS the president of ALL The People whether that's consistent with his instincts or not.

Dear Mr. President,

By castigating me as unpatriotic by not supporting your economic plan and a traitor for the same reason, telling me to be quiet when I joined Tea Party protests and especially for saying I'm someone against whom you called for revenge you have shown me extraordinary disrespect.

By choosing to be the president of only those who support you you have shown me extraordinary disrespect.

By choosing to ignore the Representatives and Senators who represent my interests in congress you have shown me extraordinary disrespect.

All the while doing most of that you still received my respect. But by calling for revenge against we who have different political views that's entirely gone.

By all that and more, for the first time in my 70 years you have earned my disrespect.

To the extent you are interested in trying to have my respect back I suggest you start by giving a heart-felt(!) apology to me and most Republicans for the gross disrespect you've shown us and by working in an honest fashion for a change to engage Republican congressmen in honest debate about the domestic and international issues we face.

I still wish you well but do so in the hope that you recognize and cease the partisan divisiveness that you've practiced for 4 long years and instead show all(!) Americans the respect they deserve, not just those who do what you want.

Best Regards,

Dennis Olds

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