Sunday, November 11, 2012

Founders INTENDED Tension Between Political Parties But Those In Power Have Become Cowards

This form of government based on "Balance of Powers" and "Separation of Powers" was intended by The Founders to produce results that represented the combined(!) interest of BOTH conservative and liberal political thinking. Conservatism and liberalism EACH have something of value to continue making this a more perfect union. The Founders intended for legislation and legislative action to produce a combination of what each has to offer that's overall best for the country.

Too much government and too little government are BOTH bad outcomes. The challenge is to meet somewhere in the middle, compromising as necessary in as balanced a way as possible. Our representatives are as obliged to compromise as to represent the interests of their political 'side'. In fact, because of the way the constitution is set up they are required to do so.

In the title above I said they've become cowards. Indeed! Here's proof of that:
  • Since the creation of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, our education system and others our representatives have not had the courage to manage ANY of it properly. Those are ALL good programs but ruining our country economically in their pursuit is irresponsible. It requires courage(!) to manage them properly. Telling constituents the truth that the government cannot do all they want takes courage. Doing what's right for the country's future in spite of pressure for more free stuff takes courage. Allowing those programs to BOTH fail AND bankrupt our country is irresponsible and cowardly. Compromising with the opposite party in the COUNTRY'S best interest takes courage.
  • Facing failure of all those programs our representatives made only trivial modifications that did nothing for the past 50 years other than push out their day of reckoning. Same with immigration reform. Time after time after time they FAILED to actually FIX ANY of them.
  • Facing an imminent fiscal Armageddon with Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid ... OF THEIR COLLECTIVE CREATION ... our so-called representatives took the coward's way out. Instead of fixing it they created a 'doomsday device' that was supposed to be so horrific that it would force them to work together before it exploded. Their legislation that kicks in automatic, severe cuts on January 1, 2013 was supposed to MAKE them work together. What? They couldn't CHOOSE to work together? They had to have some artificial creation to force them to do what they chose not to do in a responsible way? Anyone, ANYONE with half a brain knew two things about that 'doomsday device'. First, it was cowardly not to take the bull by the horns and fix the programs. Second, everyone except the cowards who voted for this thing KNEW it would NOT make them work together and we all KNEW we'd still have the same problem come January 1, 2013. What SHOULD happen in such a situation is for the country's leader to ACT LIKE a leader ... step in and force them to work together rather than sit on the sidelines and throw rocks at only one set of cowards.
President Obama has FAILED to lead on this. When he did 'lead' early in his first term he did so by picking sides. Remember, he said to Republicans in the meeting he called "we (Democrats) won" the election so we get to say what will be done. Anyone who knows ANYTHING about leadership and conflict resolution knows that's a formula for failure. Leaders should never, ever go into a divisive situation announcing(!) a winner before the negotiations even begin. What's obvious to anyone with half a brain is that this president is NOT interested in resolving the conflict; rather he's totally invested in stoking it. Yes, by his actions and words he is clearly more invested in making/keeping the country divided. What he did and said is NOT leadership; it's dictatorship pure and simple and it's nothing more nor less than intentional division of our country politically.

Passing ObamaCare without a single Republican vote in either House or Senate was an abdication by Democrats of their responsibility to ensure the interests of ALL Americans are represented in legislation. Yes they had a majority and had the ability to ram it through totally their way. THEY are the ones who CHOSE to pass one of the most important bills in our history without Republican representation. What The Founders intended was for majorities in the House and Senate to have the responsibility to ensure the opposite party is involved in all legislation. Just because they could(!) do it without Republican help doesn't mean it's consistent with constitutional principles. Wise and responsible leaders use their power to unite and ensure all participate, not use their power to unilaterally take what they want. What The Founders intended majority parties do was act benevolently and in support of the opposite party to PROACTIVELY ENSURE their participation, NOT PROACTIVELY PROHIBIT participation. Responsible leadership was intended by The Founders. After all that kind of behavior of our leaders is the essence of a Republic ... which we are. Or should I say that past tense ... which we were?

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