Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ignoring The War Powers Act Re Libya: Disturbing? Well, DUH!

This administration's ignoring congress IS disturbing. It is a violation of the constitution in principle if not in fact and it's a violation of founding principles. It's disrepectful of The People who are, in constitutional principle, represented by congress. It's the vehicle by which we're constitutionally empowered to control an over-reaching executive branch. So much for principle. Disdain for the constitution, separation of powers, congress, and The People is this administration's hallmark.

If you don't understand from my previous blogs how the War Powers Act is being violated and ignored, check this out:

AMAZINGLY(!), the wording of The War Powers Act is SO clear compared with most things that come out of congress that even someone with less than a high school education can understand it. Armed with only the Act and a dictionary one cannot logically deduce that the president is acting in accordance with the Act.

Please consider this in as unbiased way as possible. This administration tends to think that rules and conventions do not apply to them if it's inconvenient to advancing their progressive agenda. They think they're always correct and acting in the right ... by definition. The arrogance of this administration is disturbing for its affront to the constitution and founding principles.

Clearly, they do not believe in the separation of powers principle whereby each branch exercises its powers and authority within limits that are supposed to keep them from trampling on the responsibilities and authority of other branches or on the rights of The People for whom they work. If such rules and principles get in their way, they ignore them and find other ways to implement their programs. There are many examples how they've done this. I shouldn't need to explain them because there are so many that are patently obvious.

Principles mean something folks. Many on The Left excuse what this administration does with a shoulder shrug saying well, if that's what it takes to advance OUR agenda then it just HAS to be done. What? Regardless what the constitution says? Regardless of founding and constitutional principles? Regardless of the fact that you chastised the previous administration for even thinking about doing similar things? Regardless whether most citizens oppose what you're doing? Are you kidding me?

We get it. You don't think rules apply to you if they're inconvenient to your objectives. Hmmmmm. But you've created a staggering number of rules for the rest of the country that we must follow ... or else. We have to live by rules you created but you don't have to live by rules that we and our representatives created constitutionally? HUH?

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