Monday, June 13, 2011

Future Spending Cuts To Offset Immediate Tax Hikes: Broken Promise After Broken Promise

Note To Congress: We're not STUPID! Here's an honest accounting for those of you who, like lemmings and sheep, fall for The Promise:

When it comes to promises of slowing spending or implementing spending cuts you have no backbone to honor your promises. Your actions (or, rather, lack thereof) make you cowards and liars. READ OUR LIPS OR LOSE YOUR JOBS! NO MORE SPENDING! SPENDING MUST BE REDUCED! REAL REDUCTIONS THIS TIME!

Many times in the past twenty five years you have begged us to let you increase taxes on ourselves based on the PROMISE of curtailed spending. We've ALWAYS done our part ... allowed you to pass tax increases multiple times but you've NEVER done your part. So, don't act all surprised or claim we're unfair when we refuse to accept another promise like those of the recent past. You have NO basis for claiming WE are being the unfair ones. YOU are the ones who got us into this debt problem. Now FIX IT! IT DOES IN FACT REQUIRE IMMEDIATE SPENDING CUTS! Or doesn't saving our economy matter to you at all?

Do your stinking job for a change. Your job is NOT to just spend, spend, spend. It's to maintain a balanced budget by rational control of BOTH spending and taxes. Democrats have steadfastly refused to even pass a budget in recent years. Even though it's their constitutional(!) duty to do so. They're not only failing at their jobs. In fact, it's in their job description (ie, the constitution!). They're in violation of the constitution and, therefore, their oath of office every day they don't propose and seriously work on a BALANCED budget! And Democratic citizens don't think that's a big deal? I don't get it!

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