Sunday, June 12, 2011

Detroit: A Shining Example How The Liberal Approach To Things Works. NOT!

I feel sorry for the citizens of Detroit. Liberal policies can't even keep the lights on during two measly days of 90-degree weather. Check it out:

Unions are a good thing. I'm a firm believer. But they can be irrational entities, sacrificing the future for a more materialistic now. Make wages and benefits so costly that people who'd otherwise buy your cars can easily find comparable or even better cars at a cheaper cost from overseas companies. Guess what happens when nobody wants to buy your town's products because they're too expensive (due to wages and benefits)? Lower sales => lower profits => higher unemployment. It's nothing personal, just economics. Folks in the rest of the world, when they want to buy an automobile, don't care a hoot about about any perceived responsibility to subsidize the wages and benefits you want much less help keep the lights on in your house. Sacrifice the future for 'wants' of now. Guess what that gets you? What you have my friends. Nothing personal. Just economics.

Same with Detroit's electricity needs. Detroit was supposed to be a model for how green energy will not only prevent polution but secure the citizens' prosperity via green jobs now that automobile jobs are going elsewhere. Liberal leadership poured money into green energy for the future but Detroit cannot afford to keep their dilapidated energy structure running. It takes just two days of 90-degree weather to bring it to its knees, leaving citizens without any power whatsoever.

Unions forced them to create their own energy company and the cost of delivering electricity doubled versus what the region's power grid can provide. So Detroit's citizens pay twice as much as they would being on the region's energy grid and they can no longer count on even having electricity in the summer. I'd ask the citizens of Detroit, what is really more important to you? Green and costly energy in the future at the cost of no energy now when you need it? You can buy air conditioners to make your summers more comfortable but you'll have no electricity to run them. Sounds all rational to a progressive I know but, I'm sorry, I don't get it.

Citizens of Detroit, do you think it's your government's and unions' higher responsibility to give you something unaffordable now or is it to keep the lights on? Unions control your town so I suggest you demand from them a fix for these problems you have with power and jobs. Maybe you need to divert even more money into green energy and more control to unions? It has worked so well so far that you just need to do more of that.

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