Monday, November 23, 2009

The Vast Left-Wing Fiscal Irresponsibility

The Constitution says it is CONGRESS(!), not the president, who has primary responsibility for spending, balancing the budget (or not) and controlling the national debt. Since taking over Congress (and, therefore, primary responsibility to reign in spending and the debt) nearly three years ago Democrats have spent themselves silly and, in the process, DOUBLED the INTEREST on the national debt from $100B to $200B. Assuming you think that's bad, it gets worse. Much worse. And Bush isn't responsible for any of this (read the Constitution if you don't believe me).

According to the NY Times(!) article linked in my previous blog, we're on track to continue doubling JUST THE INTEREST on our national debt approximately twice more in the next ten years to $700B in 2018. According to the NYT that's more than our spending this year on education, energy, homeland security and the wars in Iraq and Afganistan ... COMBINED! GASP!

Think about that for just a minute. That's the debt problem we'll have WITHOUT enacting the bills for health care reform, cap and trade, immigration, etc. Imagine what the interest will be WITH those bills passed. The Democrats' health care reform will cost at least $2.5 TRILLION the first ten years after the benefits kick in. (They like to say it's only going to cost $860B the first ten years but that's a lower number because the benefits don't kick in until 2014, more than 3 years AFTER the taxes increase. It's a great example how to lie with statistics.) We can't afford our debt BEFORE these bills pass! And guess what happens to our economy after adding on the economic burden of the cap and trade bill?

Any economist worth his salt will agree that we're headed for mind-boggling high debt, interest rates and unemployment. Devaluation of our currency followed by national bankruptcy is inevitable unless we change our course dramatically. Democrats are sailing this ship straight into economic chaos and the average American doesn't seem to know (or knows but doesn't care), certainly not the more liberal among us.

This problem is as serious as it gets people. Wake up!

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