Monday, November 23, 2009

This Much Spending Has REAL Consequences

Even 'the media' is beginning to figure out what the more conservative among us have been saying for the past two years. Check this out:

Debt, especially this much of it, has real consequences. As if this amount of debt isn't bad enough in the absolute sense, getting out of this debt will be really, REALLY difficult. That's 'difficult' as in REAL pain for the AVERAGE American ... including the poor! 'The spenders' in Congress (and some big minority of well-meaning Americans) think they're helping the poor but the result of this will make life more difficult for the poor, not better.

After we've ruined the economy it'll be worse for the poor, not better. How does doubling the cost of all the basics of life (via inflation and a ruined economy) help the poor? How does doubling the cost of gas, food, etc help people below the povery level? How does fewer jobs and a 20% unemployment rate (because the government has sucked the productive life out of the economy) help anyone, including the poor? Why don't more people understand this? It's just the same as when an individual spends his way into excessive debt. He pays so much in interest that he cannot afford the basics in life. Hello? He'll likely go bankrupt. Hello? Going into debt may feel like fun but it has REAL consequences. Hello? This 'government money' IS NOT FREE. Hello? This cure IS worse than the disease. Hello? We need to use the brains God gave us and think through this rationally.

For the sake of our future, we need new thinking at all levels of government:
1. Government is wayyyy too big ... we cannot afford it and we're losing freedoms at an alarming rate! In fact, we need government to be reduced by at least half ... quickly.
2. Government debt is not only bad, it should be UNacceptable. We're at a point where even balanced budgets are, by far, inadequate.

I have NO respect for what our representatives call a 'balanced budget'. Their version always, ALWAYS has loopholes that allow them to create more debt anyway. They're, collectively, a bunch of lying, conniving weasels.

Just think how difficult it is to get our governments to balance their budgets every year. Then consider the FACT that we need them to do better than that. We need them to spend way less than they take in for several years until the debt is gone. Do you honestly think they're capable of that? Of course not! At least not until The People take them to the political woodshed for a thrashing to change their behavior.

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