Sunday, November 15, 2009

Did You Think Democrats Were Fixing The Health Care 'Bankrupting The Country' Problem? Surprise!

Reported in today's newspapers: Nancy Pelosi spokeman just said a report just released by the Medicare oversight agency "shows that our health reform bill [the democratic bill that just passed in the House] will extend the life of the Medicare trust fund by five years". We don't get it. How is that a fix?

Doesn't that mean that in five years we'll have to pass ANOTHER GIANT HEALTH CARE BILL with MORE GIANT COSTS to keep from losing ground on the remaining life of Medicare? All your cost and savings claims look out ten years but you're telling us we'll have to make it bigger and even more costly in half that time? What's the point of looking out ten years if the fix won't last more than five? Gads, what are you thinking?

Ms. Pelosi, we thought you guys said you were going to fix our nation's medical costs problem with your legislation, not kick it down the road a few years. Kicking the problem down the road is what you all have been doing for years. THAT is what we citizens have been telling you that we're tired of! You said you agreed that it was time we stopped doing that and get serious about health care reform. You all ran on a platform of "health care in America will bankrupt the country soon ... elect us [democrats] and we will fix it". We bought that argument and now you're telling us this is your version of serious health care reform geared to reigning in the costs once and for all? Are you serious? This is not a fix. It barely qualifies as a Band-Aid on the problem. Here, again, is a question I keep asking in this blog, do you think we're stupid?

The biggest leverage you had trying to convince us to support your bill and its mind-boggling cost was that you were saying you were actually going to fix it this time. Don't you get it yet? ACTUALLY FIXING IT IS WHAT WE WANT! Hello? Anyone home there on capitol hill?

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