Sunday, December 4, 2011

Why Are Congressional Democrats So Opposed To Even Talk About Spending Cuts Much Less DO Some?

Here we are, nearly at year's end and congress has passed NO spending cut legislation except a few very minor ones that barely nibble at the edges of our debt problem. Why is that? Our debt is at $15 TRILLION and still rising at a historic rate. Let's consider who has taken actual legislative action and who hasn't.

Republicans have gotten several spending cut bills passed in the House that were then totally ignored by the Democrat-controlled Senate. If congressional Democrats are so big on compromise, why didn't they allow a discussion to even begin? How can you simultaneously declare yours is the 'real' party of compromise yet refuse to allow Republican legislation to be discussed/debated? Isn't that hypocritical? Honestly, isn't it?

The Republican-contolled House submitted a budget early this year containing many significant spending cuts. What did the Democrat-controlled Senate do? They refused to even debate it. Which party was standing in the way of compromise then?

The Democrat-controlled Senate hasn't produced a budget for the past two years. How can a party claim to be THE party of compromise but not submit a proposed budget so that it CAN be debated and compromised on? If you're so big on compromise, how do you get compromise going if you're not willing to contribute but, rather, choose(!) to sit on the sideline? Isn't that hypocritical too? C'mon, isn't it really?

Besides being hypocritical isn't the refusal to consider Republican spending cut bills and budgets also irresponsible? C'mon! Why isn't a $15 TRILLION debt a big enough problem for them to feel responsible to do more than sit on the sidelines and throw rocks at Republicans who, as a matter of record and fact, have been sending them spending cut bills to consider?

How is compromise possible if one party refuses to even discuss multiple, formal constitution-based proposals from the other? How this kind of behavior is okay with any citizen is a total mystery to me. How any citizen can find acceptable Democrats' refusal to produce a constitutionally-required budget is an equally big mystery to me.

This year congress will still spend much more than it takes in and the year is ending without any serious spending cuts having been made. While I feel congressional Republicans should be far more aggressive in spending cut legislation, I appreciate that they've been trying to get it done while Democrats have been sitting on their hands, afraid to submit a budget because that would require having to defend things they want to keep in the budget.

Since congressional Democrats don't want to act accountable much less be held accountable, they refuse to submit to the people's will, their oath and the constitution. They're thumbing their collective nose at us and we should find it offensive and unacceptable.

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