Tuesday, December 20, 2011

But Aren't You Getting Tired Of Congress, Especially The Senate, Kicking Debt-Related Legislation Down The Road?

As I said yesterday, I think Boehner's rationale for opposing the Senate's Two Month Payroll Tax Cut Extension is bogus. However, that doesn't mean I think the House should pass it. I only objected to his nonsense rationale. There's a better reason to reject it.

A two month extension is stupid from the standpoint of buying a short amount of time until they can work something out that is based on a one-year extension which the House, Senate and White House all seem to think is necessary. It's ANOTHER(!) example of deadlines and 'need dates' meaning nothing to those knuckleheads in congress, especially among Senate Democrats.

In other words, the Senate screwed up by not working out a one year deal in the first place. It's the same Senate that hasn't passed a budget in over two years because they don't want to face the problems in that area head-on. I think Senate Democrats are cowards for not moving aggressively to get sensible legislation done.

The House has submitted many debt-reduction bills this year that the Senate Democrats refused to even bring to the floor for debate, including a budget. Rather than debate the version of the current legislation that the House submitted, the Senate passed yet another stop-gap version and are trying to kick yet another problem down the road. The House did their job. The Democrat-controlled Senate punted. AGAIN!

What makes NO sense at all is that even the Senate wants a one-year extension. If they didn't like the House version, the Senate should have produced their own completely unique version of a ONE-YEAR extension. That would represent an honest effort to extend this tax cut. But they chose to punt again. It's what they've been doing for over two years and it's unacceptable. Note that they were doing this kicking our problem down the road when Democrats controlled the House as well. What are they thinking?

We're beyond ready for the Democratic Senate to roll up their sleeves and get required legislation done by the need dates. That includes budgets. That includes deficit-reduction and debt-reduction. Isn't this a big enough crisis yet for them to actually want to do their jobs on the People's behalf instead of playing political games and rarely producing legislation that actually fixes things?

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