Monday, January 24, 2011

Hey Democrats, What Did You Expect? YOU Caused It!

We American citizens and congress are suffering(!) through this health care reform repeal effort because of what Democrats did, not because of those mean-spirited Republicans trying to repeal it. IF Democrats had included BOTH the American people AND congressional Republicans in the original health care debate and included congressional Republicans in the bill's creation, debate AND legislative process, WE WOULD NOT BE GOING THROUGH THIS NOW! THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT THIS WOULD NOT BE HAPPENING HAD YOU PROCESSED THIS LEGISLATION IN A RATIONAL MANNER CONSISTENT WITH CONSTITUTIONAL PROCESSES AND FUNDAMENTAL FAIRNESS TOWARD THE HALF OF AMERICANS AT WHOM YOU BASICALLY THUMBED YOUR NOSE!

Democrats came into office saying "We won so we get to do it our way!" And 'do it our way' they did! Congressional Republicans and, by extension, their constitutents comprising approximately HALF(!) the country's citizens were shut out of the bill's creation AND legislative process.

I have a completely rational question for congressional Democrats. What exactly did you expect would happen when you totally shut the opposing party out of legislation as important as this one was? What did you expect they'd do after getting back control of congress? You're not stupid ... are you? After all, that monster legislation messes with 1/6th of the economy and creates HUGE bureaucracies and budget increases. It is by ALL accounts the single biggest social legislation in history by whatever metrics you choose to use. You just TELL the half of Americans to "sit down and be quiet" over it. Then you act all surprised and angry that they try to get it repealed? By what irrational logic could you have thought this wouldn't happen?

IF you had involved Republicans, representing approximately HALF of Americans in the creation of the legislation in a proportionally fair way, isn't it completely logical and rational that the repeal effort wouldn't have had enough support to go anywhere at all? Here's the bottom line for anyone thinking with an ounce of logic and/or common sense.

Congressional Democrats, what you did by blocking Republicans from the process was GUARANTEE(!) that future legislatures will be trying to repair the unfairness and lack of balance in this legislation for years to come. Yes, they have better things to do with their time. That they're 'wasting' so much time on this is a problem of YOUR creation and NO ONE else's. You GUARANTEED they'd be tied up trying to undo the harm you did at the cost of time lost on other important issues. YOU did this. Thanks a lot!

TO CONGRESSIONAL DEMOCRATS: You passed a piece of legislation whose content and process GUARANTEED(!) this would happen. The Republican response is not only logical but inevitable. It's irrational to hold Republicans (or Tea-Partiers!) responsible for it when this outcome was the RATIONAL result of what YOU CHOSE TO DO in TOTAL contradiction to all constitutional and Republic principles. YOU are the irresponsible ones for this repeal effort, NOT Republican representatives now trying to take back their rights to participate in governance that you unilaterally took away from them. YOU HAVE NO ONE TO BLAME BUT YOURSELVES, PERIOD. And for doing that we're very, very upset with you and your collective arrogant attitude. Apparently you don't get it yet that we're a center-right country. Ramming through very progressive legislation and thumbing your nose at everyone who doesn't think the way you do is a formula for these problems totally of your creation.

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