Sunday, January 30, 2011

Democrats Are Way Out In Front On The Issues Now, Eh?

News Flash #1: President Obama calls for discretionary spending freeze!

News Flash #2: Democrats say Republicans aren't focused on jobs!

Got news for the prez. A discretionary spending freeze is THE FIRST thing he should have done when the economy tanked. It should have taken our country's chief executive about a microsecond to do exactly that in response to this, our worst economic situation since the depression. It's something NO company's CEO hesitates to do immediately even before all the damage reports are in. The freeze gives them some breathing room in which to figure out how bad the situation is. He can always resume spending at any time, the second he knows for sure that the problem no longer requires it. This is one of those no-brainer things for a reasonably competent CEO. But not for our country's CEO. Two years(!) it has taken him to do this and then ONLY AFTER his party has been handed its hat election-wise. If a company's CEO took that long to take basic step like this he'd have been fired long ago because it's such a common-sense thing to do. Except in government I guess! :-(

A quick discretionary spending freeze is what you do to ensure you don't make the problem worse while working on causes and solutions. Responsible adults do this in their personal lives for crying out loud!

The next step well-run companies take (about two weeks after the spending freeze if a quick look at the situation makes it clear the financial problem is really, really bad) is to enact an across-the-board spending reduction ... such as 10% cuts by every department ... while they look at even more severe cuts. Within a month or so, well-run companies would have a list of projects, products, product lines, people, and even whole divisions on a prioritized list of what to eliminate with criteria listed as to how far down the list to go depending on periodic checks whether the problem is stabilizing.

That Obama didn't institute a discretionary spending freeze on spending long before now is irresponsible. Talk about NOT getting out in front on this issue!

Two things NEED to be said about this. We're still well over 9% unemployment after spending trillions and taking over companies. And our debt has increased at warp drive speed. Can anyone deny that Democrats were more focused on health care reform than jobs recovery? What evidence IS there that Democrats have done much about jobs in the PRIVATE sector where the recovery must begin in order to even HAVE a recovery? Very little I'd say ... two years after they took control of everything and could do anything they wanted! Republicans have been in office for what ... three weeks? And ALREADY they haven't done enough about jobs? Hypocrisy of the first order I'd say. All the while they are complaining, Democrats KNOW there's a whole laundry list of Republican legislation lining up for debate that will indeed address jobs.

The president and other Democrats have been focused on forcing a progressive agenda down our throats all the while claiming it would fix everything long before now. Don't you remember they actually said that? After criticizing Bush's debt, they have increased it more than Bush did and in much less time. Now we're borrowing and printing money like crazy, devaluing the dollar all the while. Wonder why the prices of oil, food, clothing, and pretty much everything is skyrocketing? It's the progressive monetary policy that's doing it. Much (most?) of the recent price increases can be traced directly to printing money at light speed and, in the process, devaluing the dollar.

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