Monday, June 21, 2010

A US Senator Doesn't Like The Federal Government Playing Politics With Border Security

OMG Senator Kyl, you CANNOT be serious! You, a member of our legislature, are upset with Obama playing politics with border security? Whether he did or not, who exactly are you to criticize someone else on this subject?

You’re a member of the same branch of government that, FOR 30 YEARS(!), HAS REFUSED to do immigration reform the way a large majority of Americans want (ie, seal the border … NOW). You all have refused for 30 years to carry out one of your most important constitutional duties and keep our borders secure. You’ve refused to do reform because we citizens won’t let you do it the way YOU want. YOU ALL have been playing political games with sealing the border for all this time and you have the unmitigated gall to complain about someone else doing it too?

I strongly recommend you close your hypocritical pie-hole, roll up your OWN sleeves and help get the senate going on securing the border. THAT, sir, is not only your constitutional duty but is what we The People want as well.

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