Sunday, June 13, 2010

Democrats Admit To Wearing Themselves Out Spending Our Money!

Democratic House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (June 12th Washington Post): "I think there is spending fatigue" in both houses of Congress. Yes indeed, Americans, we wore ourselves out spending your money. You citizens should be grateful for all that hard work and personal sacrifice and cut us some slack if we have no energy left to work on another state government bailout.

(Ref: )

Yep, Mr. Hoyer, all we citizens had to do the past couple of years was figure out a way to get by in this economy that you created (your sub-prime mortgage mess caused this, remember?) and can't fix. The economy is no better off but at least you found a way to spend mountains of money WE DON'T HAVE. Hard work for sure but someone's gotta do it ... and who better, eh? Good job sir. Of course you deserve a break from that. Go for it. In fact, please DO take a break because we won't survive any more of your hard work.

We understand now why you don't want to waste time on a (constitutionally required!) budget and why being the first Congress within memory to punt on that pesky little task is no big deal. Too worn out to bother with a triviality like that, eh? We understand sir. We really have no interest in seeing what all that spending actually did to our national budget. I'm sure you didn't do anything fiscally irresponsible. After all, sir, spending money is more important than understanding whether we can actually afford it. That's how we citizens are supposed to live, right? You ARE modelling how you think we should live, right?

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