Saturday, May 1, 2010

Let's Stop With The Mischaracterizations and Slander Already... It's Counter-Productive

What's actually 'fair' in this country from government is practicing fair and proportional representation of ALL citizens in the creation of laws and execution of the will of The People. The whole point of the constitution was the creation of a limited(!) federal government that was to provide proportional representation (in legislation and laws) of The People who hired them to (constitutionally!) represent their interests, mainly in the areas of national defense and international/interstate commerce. The constitution did NOT grant to the majority party power to do whatever it wants. In fact, the founders' writings cautioned against that kind of tyranny by the majority party.

Is the minority party entitled to consideration and representative participation? According to the constitution, yes! According to any sense of fair play, yes. After all the minority party is contributing about 45% of the resources the government spends, expends or wastes(!). After all, a larger proportion of the minority party's citizens fight the country's wars, putting their lives on the line for ALL citizens, including those in the majority party. In fact, in military poll after poll, conservatives outnumber liberals in the military by a ratio of about 60/40. And what's up with the fact that few liberals in congress have been in the military and the ratios of their kids in the military is so small? They like us fighting (and dying) in greater numbers in their wars but aren't interested in us having fair representation in legislation and laws. What's up with that?

Liberals in government tend to be lifetime politicians. Has anyone who is prominent in the current administration worked in a real job or run a for profit company? How many have executive management experience? You know the answer to such questions. Government doesn't produce anything; it only consumes. What's the likelihood they understand what really makes small businesses run, having never worked in a for-profit small business? What, therefore, is the likelihood that what they think stimulates the 'real' economy actually does so? You know the answer to that too if you're being honest.

I'm wandering a bit from the point I wanted to make which is this. Yes, the 'right' and 'left' disagree on principles ... even on what the constitution means or whether in fact it's even relevant today. The point is, we in the current minority are ENTITLED to our opposing views. We have a right to disagree and express that disagreement ... even vocally although not violently. Civil disagreement and even civil disobedience is not only okay, it's American as the civil rights movement was. It's as constitutional too!

So, why the hostility, mischaracterizations of us for our differing views? Why is it only okay for the left to be vocal or disobedient? Gross mischaracterizations are materializing about our position on nearly every issue, the current one regarding immigration reform being no different. More on that in my next blog with the comments in this blog as a baseline.

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