Wednesday, May 12, 2010

American Exceptionalism: What Happens When That's No More?

Which has been the go-to country when there are problems in other parts of the world?

Which is the ONE country that has a strong enough economic engine to maintain a military force sufficient to deter threats anywhere, any time and still maintain a healthy economy?

Only ONE country has the ability to provide BOTH the financial and military resources needed in an increasingly dependent world.

Why is it that other countries can 'afford' extensive welfare systems that make vast numbers of citizens dependent on a decreasing minority of citizens willing and able to provide it? Answer: because they don't choose(!) to maintain a military sufficient to fully protect themselves and their interests. Too many of us think European style living is the model to follow but they can only afford it because we Americans take care of all other business they won't out of self-centeredness and laziness.

Which is the ONE country that has a strong enough economic engine to bring relief into regions of disaster faster and better than anyone else?

Which is the ONE country that's provided the economic engine sufficient to draw standards of living to new levels world-wide?

Which is the go-to country for world-wide economic stability and safety?

Which country innovates/invents the most and generously shares not only their wealth but their innovations in health care, sciences, and other things that improve 'the human condition' ... world-wide?

Why is it that we've been able to do all that? In a phrase, American Exceptionalism. Economically. Politically. Culturally. It derives from freedom, individual responsibility, UNselfishness, and a government that doesn't get in our way.

So, progressives want us to be more like Europe. More union control. Bigger more expensive government. MUCH more government spending. MUCH more national debt. MUCH more taxation. More welfare. More time off from work. More of other people taking care of us and our needs. Our exceptionalism is what makes everything listed above possible. European countries cannot do what we do and don't appear interested in doing it. So, what do you suppose will happen when we're exactly like Europe in those regards? When we're like them, who'll be like us and take over for us in the areas above, hmmmm? If an exceptional country is so essential as it appears to be now, what happens to the world when there is no exceptional country any more? Who takes care of them? Who takes care of us when we cannot take care of ourselves any more?

What happens to us when our government consumes so much of our financial and other resources that we can't afford an expansive government (including the enormous welfare drain), an effective military and other countries' dependence on us in so many ways? When our financial condition is so shaky due to national debt that our currency carries no favor internationally?

To whom will other countries go then? They're dependent on us now but have a field day running us down in spite of our generosity and the way we contribute to a higher standard of living enjoyed by other countries. Here we are bailing out Greece (and other countries soon) via the IMF and other means. They need us (even though the EU was created to avoid such things)! To whom will they go when we've bankrupted ourselves via a gluttenous and corrupt government and welfare system? To whom will WE go when we're bankrupt and need help from someone else?

Answer those questions thoughtfully and honestly. Understand there are consequences for decisions as bad as the ones we've been making the past ten years which are becoming astronomically bad of late. It's nonsense to think we can continue this way and not suffer serious, serious consequences. It's time to pull together for the common good, not selfish and partisan good. Think long-term consequences, not short-term greed and satisfaction. Time to stop living selfishly and 'me first'. Start accepting some REAL responsibility for our own lives and for changing where we're headed. If we don't SOON(!), we will NOT like what's about to happen to us in a very, very short timeframe.

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