Monday, January 11, 2010

Mr. Reid and Democrats In Congress: Your Hypocracy Is Showing!

So Mr. Reid can say during last year's presidential race that then senator Obama is a "light-skinned" African American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one" and it's no big deal, huh? It's okay to say "negro" and that Senator Obama turns his "Negro dialect" on and off? I say, huh? Is that extraordinary that anyone, especially one of the three most politically powerful people in our country would say that? By the way, isn't it really, REALLY easy to imagine how Democrats would react if a Republican Senate Majority Leader had said something racially insensitive? Wait a minute, we already have an example in the Trent Lott affair. Hmmmm.

At least three huge problems with what's going on. First, condemnation should be universal and universally immediate and unqualified. Regardless of one's politics, this cannot be excused. Second, could the hypocracy of Democrats in Congress be any more clear? Third, the ease with which Democrats are capable of both saying such things and excusing them(!) is shocking to every fair-minded American who, to a man/woman, ought to expect contriteness, not spin. The subject and fact of racism in America begs we do better and hold EVERYONE accountable for screwing up. Especially our leaders!

Will we see any outrage from the African American community? I hope we will because they lose credibility that racism is a matter of conscience and principle instead of politics if they won't stand on those ideals when Democrats do it.

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