Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's The Constitution Speaking Through The People

It's interesting to me that so many people are surprised by the outcome of the Massachusetts senatorial special election last night in which a seat to which Democrats felt entitled was won by a Republican. Democrats have been having their way ... completely ... on The Hill for the past year and in the process not only ignored what anyone else wanted done legislatively, but even showed disrespect and disdain toward anyone who dared oppose their juggernaut.

Massachusetts is only some 35% registered Democrats. When you disrespect the other 65% of the state's citizens by telling them "we won ... we get to do it OUR way" and then proceed to do exactly that, how do you expect them to react? It demonstrates a degree of arrogance on the part of Democrats to ignore and otherwise disrespect 65% of a state's citizens and expect them to just shut up and take it. Even the president SAID(!) early last year to anyone who opposed the Democrats' unilateral actions: "be quiet and get out of the way". Think how incredible a demand that is by a president of ALL the people.

This is a democracy. The president should be encouraging all Americans' involvement, not telling half of them to be quiet and get out of his way. Those so-called representatives in the legislature and executive branches have no right to disenfranchise nearly half of Americans. In fact, they have a duty to ensure all Americans have equal opportunity to participate in and/or contribute to the process. Shutting off the voice of half of Americans is arguably unconstitutional.

The representatives doing this claim to be smarter than most Americans. They keep half of Americans from having a voice in government and think there won't be a strong reaction? That doesn't sound smart to me. They're clearly full of themselves, not wisdom.

Granted, a Republic can be a messy thing. It's all supposed to be about compromise and incorporating a balance of all the best ideas from all corners of the political spectrum ... based on the will and interests of The People. Autocracies are most certainly an easier way to govern. Just do it the current leaders' way and ignore or punish the opposition. However, this is a government of, by and for THE PEOPLE, not of, by and for one party. It's called Freedom which is, by definition, for ALL The People. One-party rule as we've had for the past year is the antithesis of Freedom. Last night's election result suggests that maybe the majority of Americans do understand we either embrace Freedom (and accept the messiness inherent in it) or lose it.

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