Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Current Proposed Health Care Plan: The Real Story You Won't Hear From 'The Media'

70% of Americans rate their health care good to excellent. We’re not going to be able to pay for Medicare the way it’s set up but, overall, Americans’ health care is among the best in the world. (Even Canadians come here to get care they can’t ‘qualify’ for in Canada.) So, YES, we need to overhaul how Medicare is set up. But, NO, we don’t need an overhaul of our ENTIRE health care system!

Here are some facts about President Obama’s current health care plan:

He says it will only cost $1 Trillion. What he's NOT saying is that $1 Trillion is just part of the cost because the Congressional Budget Office can't figure out the other costs until the legislature has more details in their bills. Current estimates I'm hearing is that it'll cost around $4 Trillion over 10 years. (Keep in mind that isn't a one-time cost ... it keeps up at that rate and increases with inflation.)

The president says 46 million Americans aren’t covered. He’s not being truthful and it’s a transparently blatant attempt to mislead us. For one thing, at least 21% of those (ie, 10 million) are illegal immigrants … they’re NOT Americans. So the truth is 36 million Americans aren’t covered but for MOST of them it's not because they don't have coverage available already.

Another 14 million of those 46 million are ALREADY eligible for Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIR, and veterans benefits but they have CHOSEN(!) not to enroll.

Another 9 million of those 46 million have household incomes of at least $75,000 and therefore have enough income to pay for private insurance. (That also means that many people with less income than that need less help than others … a family with $20,000 income would need more help than someone with a $60,000 income.)

That leaves 13 million Americans out of a total population of 300 million who are inadequately insured. And many of them are well above the poverty level so they would need less help than those below it.

In addition, even the Congressional Budget Office agrees that the president’s plan will force around 30 million people off their current insurance and/or doctors (because of the impacts on insurance companies and medical care providers). That’s a net decrease or outright loss of medical care for at least 17 million Americans in order to provide medical care for 13 million Americans. AND we’re going to spend around $4 Trillion over the next 10 years to accomplish that feat? Huh?

Even if we agree to provide coverage help to illegal immigrants and the 13 million who are inadequately insured there has to be a better way to help those 23 million people. We need to reform Medicare so it’s more cost-effective but overhauling our ENTIRE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM at a cost of $400 BILLION per year is ludicrous!

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