Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh, I Get It!

I get it! Democrats have been getting hammered pretty hard about that $787 Billion Stimulus Bill they crammed down our throats so President Obama comes up with a budget SO big that we'll stop worrying so much about what congress did with that piddly little stimulus thing. $3.5 Trillion is SO stinking much money that we're burning out our brains just trying to understand how much money that is! Let's see I now get $400/month from retirement investments (after thieves and crooks got done with me) so it would take me 730 Million years to come up with that much money. Did I say Million? Gads, I still can't grasp how much $3.5 Trillion is. Maybe it'll help if I calculate that in light years?

Heck, I'm in such shock that I'm wayyyy not ready to move onto thinking how it gets paid for. That must be part of the plan too! By the time we're over our shock, the budget legislation will be passed too. Stimulus bill? What stimulus bill? Budget? Did you see a budget go through here? See? It worked! Brilliant!

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