According to government records, immediately after G.W. Bush reduced everyone's tax rate by about 10% (on May 28, 2003) federal revenue began increasing. It INCREASED STEADILY for the next 4 years (until the Sub-Prime Mortgage collapse sent it back down) to a RECORD $2.5 Trillion, 20% higher than the revered Clinton's best year. Go to federal government records to see for yourself if you don't believe me: Federal Revenue Record
See if you who survived the American education system can follow my logic now. About 90% of federal tax revenue comes from those making more than $250,000. Therefore that record revenue came mostly from taxes paid by those Obama says are those evil rich people. Let's see now. When we decreased the tax rate on the rich by 10% federal revenue sets a new record.
What kind of knucklehead denies actual data and history to claim not only the opposite happened (factual lie!) but that increasing tax rates on the rich back to what it was before Bush's tax rate cuts will have the same effect as decreasing it in the first place?
Let's see. We have actual historical data that says reducing the tax rate of the rich resulted in record tax revenue. And President Obama wants to increase their tax rate back to what it was and wants us to believe that will also produce more revenue? Those can't both be true. Clue: we have actual historical data that proves the former to be true. All we have to support President Obama's claim is his word for it. Which is more believable? What actually happened according to actual government records or what President Obama claims will happen based only on his word?
We deserve what will happen from increasing the rich's tax rates if we're ignorant enough to disbelieve actual historical records that prove President Obama is lying.
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