Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The President of the Unitied States Doesn't Know The Difference Between "Outsourcing" and "Offshoring"! Seriously! You Can't Make This Stuff Up!

The Washington Post ran a story a couple of days ago and it's quoted in a NRO article yesteray about our president mocking Romney for thinking there's a difference between "outsourcing" and "offshoring". Trouble is, Mr. President, the joke's on you because there IS a difference between them.

Here's President Obama's quote from the Washington Post: "Yesterday, his [Romney's] advisers tried to clear this up by telling us that there was a difference between "outsourcing" and "offshoring". Seriously. You can't make that up."

Indeed, Mr. President, one CANNOT make this stuff up!

That's not even the best part of the NRO article. In the last paragraph, Williamson tells a story about the famous economist, Milton Friedman. Friedman was touring an area of China and asked his guide why construction workers were using old-fashioned shovels, picks and wheel barrows instead of bulldozers and other heavy machinery. The guide's answer: "We care about creating jobs for our people." Friedman's question back at him: "Then why not use spoons?"

What's funny is that exact conversation could happen in principle here in America if you substitute "union leader" or "progressive" for the 'guide' in the previous paragraph. Whatever it takes to create more jobs is imperative but productivity, useful product, competent service, and most certainly profit are irrelevant.

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