Check this out:
The Media is of course opposing a 'limit' of 3 bathroom breaks per class per week because of a manufactured claim that it infringes on the rights and natural needs of kids. Let's see, for me that would have limited my bathroom breaks to about 8 to 10 opportunities to go to the bathroom every day. 4 different teachers/day x 3 = 12 per week. Plus the following every day(!): breaks between classes plus lunch break plus morning and afternoon recesses plus going to the bathroom before schools starts and right after school is over.
Good Lord! Why isn't that enough? I'm sure that any reasonable teacher would honor a parent's request for special consideration (for even more due to medical/emotional needs). Every teacher knows how students will try to game the system and get out of class at every opportunity. Every teach knows how some students use bathroom breaks they don't really need to manipulate teachers/schools if for no other reason than it's fun to tweak adults and 'the system'.
I rarely ... RARELY ... needed to leave class to go to the bathroom all during my K-12 education. Having the ability to do that about twice per day (approx 4 different teachers x 3 times each per week equals 2 to 3 breaks during classes every day) seems not only fair but generous to me.
One of our growing problems is excessive(!) permissiveness with kids. They NEED boundaries. Ask ANY child counsellor. Leave control over the classroom to the teachers!
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