Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Okay Folks, It IS Socialism

The Hill produced a piece titled "Obama's European blueprint bad for US" (by Judd Gregg) yesterday, January 30, 2012. The comments to that are full of rants by people claiming what the current administration has been doing is not socialism. Here's one comment for example: "That's not socialism.  I suggest you consult a dictionary.  Socialism is public ownership of the means of production.  None of Obama's proposals are remotely socialism.  And taxation is not socialism."

Here's my reply to his comment: Maybe you should read a dictionary too. Mirriam-Webster says socialism is: "any of various social systems based on shared or government ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods ". Note the word "shared". Our government owns most of several companies now and their control over all businesses and entire industries(!) is growing rapidly via regulations and 'rules'. It's fair to call this 'socialism lite' so far but there is no doubt we're on an increasingly socialistic trajectory. The "government's share" of ownership and control are both increasing. Also check Wikipedia: "A primary goal of socialism is social equity and a distribution of wealth based on one's contribution to society, and an economic arrangement that would serve the interests of society as a whole." President Obama and other progressives say the same thing ... ALL the time.

Please pay attention people! Socialism is NOT defined as ONLY government OWNERSHIP of the production and delivery of goods and services. Yes, it can involve outright ownership but the truth, in case you're interested in truth, is that "socialism" ALSO INCLUDES government CONTROL over those things. The whole point of socialism is that it's the counterpoint to the 'evils of capitalism'. The control over capitalism that socialists desire can be accomplished by outright ownership of businesses OR by controlling what they can and cannot do. That's not only common sense, it happens to be true by any respected definition of socialism. And to those favoring capitalism there is no difference in effect ... either approach accomplishes what socialists desire and what capitalists oppose.

Of course(!) you're entitled to believe that what President Obama is doing is good for the country but you're living in denial of fact to claim it's not socialism AND an increasingly socialistic trajectory he's putting us on. Your belief in his objectives makes you a socialist by definition. Denying it doesn't make it untrue. Why not just embrace the terminology when it's what you want? What are you afraid of? It's like someone saying I only eat vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, and, perhaps some milk and cheese but that doesn't make me a vegetarian. C'mon folks! Just be honest.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Obama And The Pipeline Non-Decision: It Does NOTHING To Protect The Environment

Regarding my previous blog on this subject, one has to wonder which of the following are the actual reasons President Obama said more information was needed about the pipeline's environmental impact:
  1. He and all his so-called experts on the environment really don't know what the impact will be even though they've had three(!) years to investigate it or
  2. This administration's desire to drive up the cost of fossil fuels to make 'clean energy' cost-competitive overrides all other considerations so it's better to just cut off a debate that's based on science and reason or
  3. They do know the answers to the environmental questions but they don't like the answers because they affirm the pipeline won't cause any significant environmental damage ... so they need to keep studying it until they get answers that support their agenda-driven biases.
Since our Canadian friends won't wait any longer for an answer, option #3 doesn't really mean this administration intends to keep studying it. After all, what's the point of further investigation since Canada won't pursue it with us any longer? So this is the best of all worlds for the Obama administration. Not only do they get to say no to the pipeline, they even get to stop studying whatever science might inconveniently affirm the pipeline poses no significant risk. It's a win-win for their agenda. Unfortunately, it's also a lose-lose for America.

What's hilarious is that the president's decision doesn't do anything to protect the environment. The risk to the environment is no different whether the pipeline crosses the USA or Canada to their west coast. In fact, the president's "no" decision increases the environmental risks! Once Canada's oil gets to their west coast it'll be put on ships and hauled all the way across the Pacific. Ships leak and crash. That's a NET INCREASE IN RISK to the planet's environment in a place where it's much harder to clean up than on land. Also, that oil will be used in China in ways that are more environmentally harmful than the ways we'd use it. Also, that pipeline would have allowed us to bring in less oil from other countries by ship. That's an opportunity lost to reduce the risk of an offshore oil spill from tankers ... another UNNECESSARY RISK TO THE ENVIRONMENT that could have been diminished if the pipeline had been approved.

So to say no due to environment reasons is laughably absurd. It defies logic in so many ways it makes me wonder how smart they are. Or how stupid they think we are.

On The Pipeline Deal The President Voted 'Present' ... Again

The president's excuse for disapproving the Canadian pipeline shows poor leadership skills. It's a teachable moment in which to describe what comprises good leadership skills regarding decision-making and doing what's best for the entity for whom you work.

Competent leaders keep an eye on key areas affecting a company's future so they can either take advantage of an opportunity before it evaporates or be properly prepared to say no to an opportunity rather than risk rushing into something that will most likely be bad for the entity. Note that I said properly prepared. The more important an area is to the entity's future, the bettter prepared competent leaders are to make a decision before any important deadlines occur after which the opportunity will evaporate.

Would you say that energy is one of our most important issues? President Obama claims it is. He has said so in pretty much every speech he's given as president or as a president candidate. It's important to the future of our energy supplies, to manufacturing, to our economy, and to national security, right? Problem is, after 3 years of evaluating the pipeline's impacts, President Obama is still not done getting information about its environmental impacts. Or so he claims.

A competent leader would have made sure he/she found out all he/she needed to know before Canada's deadline passed. It's irrational to think we couldn't have found out the answers to all relevant questions within three years. We've won world wars in less time and the people in this administration claim to be experts on the environment. Do you really think that this pipeline and its effects on the environment is as complex as winning those world wars? The president has a literal army of self-proclaimed experts looking into the environment issues, including thousands in the private and not-for-profit sectors and they can't figure out the impacts in approximately the time it took to win world wars?

So, either he and his administration are nowhere near as competent on environmental issues as they claim or his pipeline decision is strictly political. Neither answer ought to be acceptable to our citizens. This is too important an issue not to be prepared to make a decision by a deadline we knew has been coming for three years.

Real leaders take responsibility to make sure they're ready to make a decision on important issues based on merit (pros/cons) by deadlines beyond which a decision becomes moot. Real leaders find a way to be ready by deadlines in order to do the right thing for those for whom they work. Not being ready to make a decision is an abdication of responsibility. President Obama really didn't make a decision. In effect, he voted 'present' ... again.

So, we're going to let a very important opportunity pass that we may never get back because he didn't make sure that he knew enough to make a decision yet based on merit (pros/cons). Unacceptable sir. It's your job(!) to become ready. Making excuses for why you weren't ready is weak and irresponsible. You chose the worst of three options ... yes, for specific merit-based reasons, no, for specific merit-based reasons or I don't know yet. This is as weak as saying you didn't turn in your homework because the dog ate it. You knew when it was due. It was your responsibility to get it done on time.

Monday, January 23, 2012

We Need To Have A Better Appreciation Of What America Has Accomplished In So Short A Time; Keeping A Promise

Growing older has a funny(?) way of helping one put history into perspective. From this end of my life, 70 years ago when I was born doesn't seem so long ago. 70 'sounds' kinda old in a way (I always thought 70 was old until I got here!) but now 1942 seems closer than that number implies.

What got me thinking about that is our country's history relative to my life. We talk about America's founding and important events in our 'early' history as if they were eons ago but then I realized this. My 70 years seem short in time. If 70 isn't so long ago then twice that isn't so far back as it might otherwise feel either. Just over twice my age ago the civil war began! And then I marvelled at how far we have come since then ... in so short a time ... and I marvel at the two documents, a declaration and a challenge/promise, that made it possible.

There are two ways to look at that of course. Either I'm really, really old or the civil war wasn't really that long ago in the scheme of things. (Guess which I choose!) 150 years ago (only twice my age or so) is a time we can almost reach out and touch historically speaking. Then I marvel at how far we've come as a nation in so few as twice my years. We ought to appreciate that more.

Our wonderfully constructed Constitution gave us an opportunity, a challenge and a promise. That is, if we hold the course it set us on we would, recognizably over short increments of time, continuously(!) make our country more perfect. Not perfect, mind you. In fact, never perfect. Just ever more perfect. It's a promise and a challenge that encourages us to be patient but persistent.

Implied in that promise is a warning that straying too far from the founding principles would invalidate the warranty our founders gave to us. Just as a car warranty requires one to maintain the car in specific ways in order to maintain the integrity(!) of the product, so too the Constitution requires regular checkups to ensure it remains in good working order ... as designed. It's worth considering that changing the design of a car too much invalidates the warranty ... ie, the promise.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Sinking Of The Costa Concordia: A Metaphor For A Sinking West Or For Increasingly Spineless Men?

I was going to add comments of my own but after a few failed attempts I couldn't improve on what Mark Steyn said about the sinking of the Costa Concordia this week:

I'll only add a few questions for you to ponder. To what extent is Captain Schettino's ME FIRST attitude a metaphor for much of what's going on with men all around us today? What is happening to men's sense of responsibility? To what extent has abandon ship (re. responsibility, self-respect, honesty, morality, integrity, family, neighbors, community, etc) become a man's first, if not completely over-riding, impulse? How many of the men you know or know about do you respect? Can you in all honesty say you expect them to man up when a situation calls for it or will they all look around for someone else to do what's necessary? What has been the negative role of feminism, if any, in all this? To the extent family values have eroded significantly, what percentage of it lies at the feet of irresponsible men versus women? Why are there so many out of wedlock births and single mothers? Why are so many kids not completing their K-12 education? Why do so many kids shun technical fields in college?

Having given thought to the answers to those questions, how much better off would we be in those areas if American men had better and stronger values, principles, self-respect, integrity, and morals?

Friday, January 20, 2012

More Hypocritical Distortions By The Media And The Left About These Republican Candidates

MSNBC headline today: "History flubs in Republican debate". Candidates say an incredible number of things to promote their candidacy. If you had to talk that much to promote yourself for a job would you get an occassional fact incorrect? How accurate is YOUR understanding of history? And you expect Republicans to be perfect but not Democrats?

When you took classes in high school or college did you ever get a fact incorrect or did you always get 100% on all your tests and homework? Did you even tell a boss something that turned out not to be correct?

Take their criticism of Romney. They make a big deal of a couple of errors he made and then very quietly (brief simple statement) mentioned that he corrected them but the headline is he FLUBBED HISTORY.

Take their criticism of Gingrich. When Gingrich was talking about Carter's presidency, Gingrich said Carter gave us an 10.8% unemployment rate. MSNBC has a field day with that reminding us that the unemployment rate Ginrich mentioned didn't happen until two years after Carter left office, under Reagan.

So Gingrich is wrong and MSNBC had another opportunity to say Reagan was bad ... he caused the 10.8% unemployment rate? We have to give MSNBC credit for then agreeing with Gingrich by explaining the facts: "Most economists attribute the jobless increase to a sharp rise in interest rates engineered by then-Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker in an ultimately successful effort to choke off inflation. Unemployment began to fall in 1983 and dropped to 7.2 percent in November 1984, when Reagan easily won re-election."

The inflation that Reagan inherited(!) was caused by Carter's economic and monetary policies. For those of you who weren't alive or don't remember, the inflation rate was killing our economy. The prime interest rate rose to a staggering and record(!) 21.5%. What is it now, 0.5%? Can you imagine what it was like to try to buy something at a 25-30% lending interest rate? Fixing that problem happens to result in an increase in unemployment. It just does by the nature of the required fixes. The unemployment rate was doomed to keep heading up early in Reagan's first term because Carter so messed up our economy. Yes, the unemployment rate went up during Reagan's first two years but it was because of a problem he inherited.

But MSNBC's headline was Republicans flubbed history by blaming that on Carter. The truth (if you're interested!) is, it WAS Carter's doing!!! If Reagan's unemployment rate was not Carter's fault, why is MSNBC reluctant to blame Clinton for the recession Bush inherited? Why do the liberal media and liberals accept as fact that Obama blames Bush for the unemployment rate of the past three years? Bush caused the unemployment rate of the past three years but the unemployment rate under Reagan his first two years was his fault, not Carter's. Do you detect any hypocrisy or dishonesty in that?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Limit Of 3 In-Class Bathroom Breaks In Each Teacher's Class Each Week Is A Problem Why?

Check this out:

The Media is of course opposing a 'limit' of 3 bathroom breaks per class per week because of a manufactured claim that it infringes on the rights and natural needs of kids. Let's see, for me that would have limited my bathroom breaks to about 8 to 10 opportunities to go to the bathroom every day. 4 different teachers/day x 3 = 12 per week. Plus the following every day(!): breaks between classes plus lunch break plus morning and afternoon recesses plus going to the bathroom before schools starts and right after school is over.

Good Lord! Why isn't that enough? I'm sure that any reasonable teacher would honor a parent's request for special consideration (for even more  due to medical/emotional needs). Every teacher knows how students will try to game the system and get out of class at every opportunity. Every teach knows how some students use bathroom breaks they don't really need to manipulate teachers/schools if for no other reason than it's fun to tweak adults and 'the system'.

I rarely ... RARELY ... needed to leave class to go to the bathroom all during my K-12 education. Having the ability to do that about twice per day (approx 4 different teachers x 3 times each per week equals 2 to 3 breaks during classes every day) seems not only fair but generous to me.

One of our growing problems is excessive(!) permissiveness with kids. They NEED boundaries. Ask ANY child counsellor. Leave control over the classroom to the teachers!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Welfare State At What Cost?

Here's a link that's very relevant to the root cause of all the red ink we have nationally and I'll introduce it with a quote from it: "Democrats are in charge of 35 of the 40 chambers in states with the 20 largest deficits, including control of both the Senate and House in 17 of these 20 states". There's no way to interpret this than the more Democrat-controlled the state is the greater the debt problems are. This illustrates a major flaw in their welfare state type governance.

The article examines data before and after the last election and compares the relationship before and after the 2008 election, ie before and after the economic collapse. The only difference is that after the 2008 election the states that went more Republican are on firmer gound today and those still controlled by Democrats are still in as much trouble as before.

Republican policies, including Bush's(!), did not cause their debt troubles. (Whatever Bush did that you disagree with affected states more or less equally so this big difference between states is not his doing.) Guess which party's policies did cause these debt problems? Hello!?!? Guess which party's policies are getting states out of trouble that were in trouble after the 2008 elections? Hello!?!?

By the way, very liberal, highly progressive MSNBC just published an article describing which states still have big debt problems. Why do you suppose it is that they didn't mention the above correlation? Do you think they would have if the data showed it was Republican states in the biggest trouble? ;-)  Here's their article:

As I said in a recent post below, you can't make up stuff that's more laughable than this. Trouble is, the joke's on the citizens of those states and, unfortunately, on the rest of us whose state leadership have been more fiscally responsible because we will continue paying a price for bad governance in troubled states until they get their budgets balanced.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Media's Bias Is Showing Again

When I first checked on national issues yesterday morning one thing was prominent in The Media: how dare the Republicans schedule a president candidate debate on MLK Day and hinting (of course!) that it demonstrates how racist they are for doing that!

All those comments disappeared a couple hours later and I just found out it was because they were reminded that Democrats conducted a president candidate debate on MLK day in the previous presidential campaign. If Democrats do it, it's automatically ok. If Republicans do it it's automatically bad because, y'know, they're Republicans. You can't make this stuff up folks ... it's hilarious.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Martin Luther King And Our Founding Documents

It's becoming popular for people, including African Americans, to make a point of MLK's imperfections as a person. Of course it's useful to understand the person as well as his accomplishments but let's remember what he stood for. He was human but his message is good and right.

It has become 'popular' to call MLK's movement as one seeking "social justice" and that, in order to honor, respect and preserve what he started we should therefore extend his "fight for social justice". Unfortunately, that's a dishonest hijacking of his values for modern political correctness purposes.

In fact, Dr. King was a Christian first and his movement was "faith-based". What he pushed for was not secular, rather Christian. Judgement based on moral character was a pre-eminent need to him. To him, the expansion of and dependency on a welfare state would represent a failure of society, including African Americans who seem to have no problem with their increasing dependency resulting largely from a willingness to be okay with it. To Dr. King, this trend would no doubt represent a significant decrease in self-respect, a diminished will to succeed on one's own merit ... by choice more than by circumstances. Accepting the role of victim would be reviled by Dr. King.

Dr. King saw the original principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as foundational to economic and social freedom for all. He said(!), his dream was one "deeply rooted in the American dream" embedded in "the magnificent(!) words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence". He said as much many different times in many different ways but he believed it to be true. How one can say he didn't respect or love the principles(!) of those documents defies logic. To say he must not have really understood them is an ignorant thing to say about this man who studied philosophers and old cultures. He understood the value of those documents as unique(!) counterpoints to historical evils.

The greatest surviving highly politically correct claim is that those documents are racist in nature. Dr. King certainly didn't think so. Doesn't that matter? In fact, the most often repeated example is nothing but PC nonsense and twisting of historical truth for purely political purposes.

Yes, the Constitution made Blacks three fifths of a person ... for apportionment sake ... but one has to take it totally out of context to conclude it was racist in a negative sense. Southerners, a large Democratic(!) block of states in those days ("Dixiecrats"), wanted to preserve slavery and wanted to institutionalize it in the Constitution by counting slaves as whole persons for enumeration purposes but still not giving Blacks the right to vote. Being able to count slaves as whole persons without giving them the right to vote would have given Southern Democrats the POWER in congress to fight AGAINST freedom for slaves. The slaves wouldn't have gotten ANY more power by being counted as whole persons, only racist(!) Southern politicians would have been the benefactors!!!

The constitution convention delegates were faced with this dilemma. Either yield to Southern states and give them the power to resist freedom for slaves (by giving them enumeration numbers sufficient to do so, free of voting opposition by slaves) OR say no in which case the Southern states were prepared to remain separate from the United States. The former choice would, at a minimum delay freedom for slaves if not render it impossible and the latter would probably enshrine slavery as a fact of life in whatever country The South decided to create separate from the USA. Either way(!), southern slaves (minorities in general) would have been big losers if NOT for the three-fifths rule.

Then someone decided to try a compromise: count Blacks as three-fifths of a person. The southern states agreed to that because they thought they could still resist freedom for slaves (rights, voting, etc) while deriving the benefits from being part of a larger federation of states. What that three-fifths rule did was PRESERVE the ability of the Constitution's principles to migrate our laws to provide rights to minorities. Indeed, that the three-fifths law was eliminated is proof that the three-fifths approach worked. That would NOT have been possible if slaves had been counted as whole persons for enumeration sake without the ability to vote OR if the southern states had chosen to separate from the USA. If today's PC crowd had its way, slaves would have been counted as whole persons which probably would have led to the institutionalization of slavery in the South. Counting them as three-fifths of a person gave us the opportunity to overcome that detestable practice over time.

The Constitution, therefore, was ANTI-RACIST because the three-fifths compromise preserved the union in way that allowed us to eventually eliminate slavery in the South and give minorities all the rights that the Constitution promised. Without the three-fifths rule, the South would be far less free than it is today.

As far as Democrats being the historical fighters for minorities rights, that's complete nonsense. For nearly 200 years Democrats or those who were to become Democrats fought strongly for slavery and no rights for Blacks. In fact, they opposed most civil rights legislation until the 1940's. Too few people remember or know, for example, that it was Democrats who fought AGAINST the Civil Rights Act the strongest by a margin of 2 to 1 over Republicans. As recently as 50 years ago it was Democrats who outright fought for(!) segregation the most by far.

Don't believe the revisionist history of the PC left. MLK's movement was a faith-based movement for equal rights. He was a strong believer in "natural rights", ie, God-given rights, which was the basis for the way our founders constructed both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. MLK loved the principles of the Constitution. The Constitution that MLK loved was and is NOT a racist document, rather it held the Union together (for the benefit of southern slaves) and set us on a trajectory to eliminate discrimination. Yes, we're not done getting rid of it even yet but we're still headed in the right direction.

In case you're thinking I have no clue what was going on regarding MLK's movement and my opinions are therefore invalid, I lived in the Biloxi Mississippi area in 1964/1965. Those of you who might criticize me but didn't experience real racism in that place/time may want to consider I just might have a better perspective. Even though I am a conservative.

By the way, you might find the following links interesting backup for my comments above. They don't talk about Democrat opposition to the CRA (Civil Rights Act) but that's a matter of public record easily found on the internet.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Left Becoming Meaner?

Food for thought:

The last paragraph is interesting: "Leftists’ meanness toward those with whom they differ has no echo on the normative right [he's talking about degree and extent ... of course meanness exists on the right too]. Those on the left need to do some soul-searching — because as long as they continue to believe that people on the right are not merely wrong, but vile, they will get increasingly mean. The problem for the Left, however, is that the moment it stops painting the Right as vile, it has to argue the issues."

He isn't saying there's no meanness on the right (of course there is meanness on the right too), just that the left is taking it to a level that's pretty disturbing. Treating people who simply have an opposing view as inherently vile, stupid, ignorant, unkind, uncompassionate, racist, haters, etc is sooooo not good for our society.

The last sentence in the quote above is the most interesting to me. What is the left so afraid of that they refuse to calm down and simply debate the issues? Could it be that they don't have a rational argument?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Media Bias Against Conservative Values Is Exposed In Last Weekend's Republican Presidential Debate

Few editorial comments are necessary for this one:

I'll only say that throughout these debates Gingrich has been very consistent and very, very persistent calling out The Media and the current administration for their anti-conservative, anti-religion bias. Loooooong overdue and well-deserved criticism!

Santorum: Strong 'America First' Conservative Principles That Are Much Needed In America

On Family Values:

Santorum had a great response to the question last night about what each candidate thought was the single most important issue facing America. He said is was the erosion of family values.

The other candidates gave answers associated with the sorry state of our economy, national security and such. While those are certainly good answers, most conservatives I know tend to think that the erosion of traditional family values underlies most of our current problems to one extent or another. It's a 'root cause' matter, a view of things I'm usually pretty centered on.

If our traditional family values hadn't eroded so badly over the past 50 years or so, chances are we'd be better centered on the other issues in a way that could have avoided our current problems. Values, principles and morals matter in a culture. They not only define a culture's character; they guide and influence action.

Just one but perhaps the most important area in which we've suffered is the sorry state of our education. The root cause of that has everything to do with family values. Our problems in education are significantly behind increasing poverty for example. A country failing in education is doomed to fail in all the areas we're currently having problems.

Greed is pretty much absent among people who have and honestly practice strong family values. Selfishness is pretty much absent. Self-absorption is pretty much absent. More focus on one's iPad than on one's children sitting across the dinner/restaurant table is pretty much absent. Taking care of one's family financial resources and making wise savings/spending/work/education choices is well practiced.

That is not to say people who might rate low on family values (evaluated the way I have here) can't take care of business properly but I believe that they're more likely not to. And I believe that people strong on family values are more likely to do things that are good for their family and, therefore, for their community and their country.

Strong families have arguably been our greatest strength and resource throughout our history. We're far worse off for their erosion. Why do we so strongly resist returning to strong family values and why is discussing them honestly so hated, despised and ridiculed by The Media and the far left? Isn't it pretty obvious that they worked better than what's going on now?

On The Standard 'Issues' Of Our Day:

I couldn't have said it better than the author in the following link:

Saturday, January 7, 2012

More On The Media's Distortion Of Santorum's Comments

The Media's feeding frenzy is getting ridiculous. I welcome information about and insights into Santorum's qualifications and positions on issues. But I want truth, not distortions.

Here's more on the facts in case you're interested in the truth about what Santorum has said/done:

Still More Re This Imperial Presidency ... The List Of Those Lending Credibility To That Fact Grows

Now we hear from Andrew McCarthy about this increasingly imperial presidency:

He also calls out 'Establishment Republicans' who have abandoned their roots whereby they historically made strong efforts to preserve and protect constitutional principles. Their failings this century is why the Tea Party exists and it is why "moderate" Republicans (Romney, McCain and any of that ilk) get scarce support from them.

How much longer shall we deem this to be a representative democracy while, increasingly, the people in power no longer care what The People think, say or want? When those (or one) in power flaunt self-proclaimed(!), self-assumed(!) authority over and contrary to constitutional processes, principles and precedents? When one man can grant to himself whatever authority over congress HE chooses? When the president can decide he's subject to neither congressional control nor The People's will?

We're becoming a representative democracy in name only and we WILL be the worse for it if we allow this trend to continue. Under the constitution, the president is answerable to congress which is answerable to The People. However, as Mr. McCarthy laments, the constitution, The People's bulwark against tyranny (a wonderful and wonderous gift from our founders), is being subverted as congress sits idly on its collective hands and takes no interest in defending, much less exercising their authority.

As Mr. McCarthy also laments and I've noted previously, the president's oath of office (to "preserve, protect and defend" the constitution) has been rendered utterly irrelevant by our current president who unilaterally claims by his actions that there are no boundaries on what he chooses to do and he's answerable to no one he doesn't want(!) to answer to. Sounds like imperial and supremely arrogant behavior to me.

Before Being Quick To Judge The Santorum's Regarding Their Dead Baby, Please Read This

The following article puts the furor surrounding how the Santorums handled the death of their baby in a fair and compassionate perspective:

Mr. Steyn also uses the situation to point out some interesting hypocrisy in some circles.

Friday, January 6, 2012

More On The New Imperial Presidency

I'm adding the following reference as a post-script to my other blogs this week about the new imperial presidency.

In many circles I'd be called a loon for calling out this administration in this way but it's interesting to me that I find myself in good company (in my thinking process about this) with political analysts who have earned some respect I couldn't claim separate from validation like theirs.

It is important to us as a republic and even as a 'representative democracy' (which isn't a true discription of what was founded here) that we understand what's going on and how it IS relevant to freedom and representative government. This president is in the process of hijacking our RIGHT (per the constitution and founding principles) to representation in the federal government.

That President Obama thinks he can get away with such an audacious power grab is one thing. That he appears to be getting away with it and Democratic leadership is supporting it is alarming. This is not good for our country whether you are a Democrat or a Republican. After all, remember that with such precedence set a Republican president could just as effectively do an end-run around all Democrats' representatives. Maybe you Democrats out there are feeling okay with this but how would you feel about a Republican president doing whatever he wanted regardless what congress or the constitution wants him to do?

Does Truth And Honesty Matter? Apparently Not To President Obama Regarding His Recess Appointments This Week

First, please take a moment to reflect on what you believe the president has said this week was his justification for going forward with recess appointments to the NLRB without waiting for congressional hearings on and confirmation of the individuals.

Next, please read this:

Does what you've heard the president actually say about why he used recess appointments instead of the normal congressional process have any similarity to the facts?

For example, did you think that Republicans have been standing in the way? That's not possible since Democrats control the Senate and all committees who might look into the recommended confirmations.

For another example, did you think that the relevant congressional committee has received all necessary information from and about the candidates and has just been sitting on it for purely political reasons?

For another example, did you think Republicans have been holding up the nominations for purely political reasons for around six months? That's not possible not only because Republicans have no control over that but because the Senate has not even received all the documentation required from the conferees themselves. In addition, two of the three nominations weren't even submitted to the Senate until December 15th, never mind all the required documentation needed for review of the candidates.

Can you honestly say that President Obama has been honest with us or is it more likely he's playing purely partisan political games by not allowing congress or Republicans to do due diligence and then blaming them for not finishing the confirmation hearings? Is it more likely perhaps that he decided he wanted these people appointed and didn't care what congress thinks? (Refer to my previous blog about this imperial presidency.)

Please think seriously about what's going on with this presidency. Such congress and constitution end-runs are no small matter, especially since he isn't even giving congress a chance to do its job. Perhaps a president's oath of office doesn't matter to you or to the country? Perhaps The People's representatives are irrelevant as these actions suggest? Imperial presidency indeed!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

His Majesty, King Obama Can Do Whatever He Wants Irrespective Of Congress Or The Constitution

Obama's recess appointments this week are contrary to the letter of the Constitution, to constitutional principles and to Obama/Democrat principles when Bush was in office. First, check this out:

So, when Obama says he's only doing what George Bush did, he's flat lying. When he says there's precedent for what he's doing, he's flat lying. When he says what he's doing is constitutional he's flat lying.

So, what to make of this? Under Obama the presidency is becoming imperial. That means republic principles have been thrown out the window. In fact, this is no longer even something one could honestly call a "representative democracy" (which, in case you didn't know, is not the same thing as a republic).

Obama can basically do and is, indeed, doing(!) anything he wants without congress' consent/approval. If congress won't approve something on his agenda, he appoints czars to do it from the executive branch or gives(!) authority to one of several executive branch  bureaucracies (like the EPA, FCC and others) to implement his policies without congressional approval OR oversight. That means, my friends, that this is no longer a representative democracy. Your elected representatives in congress have nothing to say about any of this, including his appointments this week in very, very powerful executive branch bureaucracies.

The way it's supposed to work is, the president's party proposes an item on Obama's agenda in the form of legislation. Then either it advances in one house and then moves to the other for approval OR each house (senate and house of representatives) produce their own versions of the legislation at which point both bills go to a conference committee to work out a compromise.

Well, this president doesn't want(!) compromise that's required(!) under our constitution so he goes forward implementing his agenda the way he wants (ie, without the compromise that's required under our constitution!) via the executive branch within bureaucracies that don't answer to congress. In other words, his agenda is implemented without consideration of, consent by or oversight by The People's duly elected representatives.

The Constitution was specifically constructed to prevent any one person having this kind of power. After all, it was such one-man authoritarian control by the king of England without representation from the colonists that led to our declaration of independence and separation from English control. We fought a revolution against one-man, representative-ignoring control over us.

Read the Declaration of Independence. In it, we outlined our grievances with him which include several along the line of these quotes:

"He has dissolved (in our current case, ignored, which is the same in effect/principle) Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasion on the rights of the people."

"He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance."

"He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our consitution (ie, czars and executive branch bureaucracies in general), and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation." Ie, without approval by the people's representatives.

"... for suspending our own legislature and (executive branch authorities) declaring themselves(!) invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever." Ie, without involvement by the people's representatives.

Our Constitution was constructed to prevent such abuses of power by one man or many men. It was never(!) intended for a president to have such authority over us without congress' involvement in every respect that has significant effects on us. In fact, the constitution was constructed to give congress(!) ultimate authority over such things via their veto-override authority. Therefore, the Constitution says Congress may pass legislation without the president's approval. And the president may NOT put legislation into effect by any means outside the authority of congress. Instead, President Obama is acting like HE has ultimate authority regardless what congress will or will not support. He won't even give them a chance to work out compromise legislation because he wants to get his way 100% and has no interest in compromise as structured into our constitution.

This is becoming an imperial presidency and that's abhorent to truly freedom-loving people.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Want To Know The Date By Which Iran Will Be Nuclear Capable? January 20, 2013

January 20, 2013 is not only the date our president will be sworn in next year. It's the date by which you can bet Iran is planning(!) to have a nuclear weapon and the means to deliver it. Why? Because that's the date by which a Republican president, if elected, will stop taking any nonsense from Iran.

That means Iran will have a nuclear weapon test later this year to ensure they have a deliverable weapon by January 20, 2013 at which time a Republican, if elected, would take a stronger position on Iran's development of nuclear weapons. Unfortuately, all this blustering by Republican candidates about preventing Iran from having nuclear weapons is moot. By the time a Republican can be sworn in, Iran will, in all likelihood, already have deliverable nuclear weapons.

Iran having nuclear weapons is a scary thing to contemplate but an honest person has to acknowledge it's likely to happen because the current administration is unwilling to do what's necessary to prevent it. The appeasement approach they thought would work (which conservative America consistently said wouldn't work) ... as in 'be nice to them and they'll stop wanting us all dead' ... was destined to fail from the start. After all, Iran's leadership has repeatedly sworn their most important goal is to bring ruin to us and Israel because(!) it's Islam's destiny to rule the world. This is not just bluster from them. They believe it to their core and are 100% committed to it. Why so many Americans are unwilling to take them at their word on that is mind-boggling.

History has proven that denial and appeasement do NOT work with bullies either on the playground or on the international level. The only thing that gets a bully's attention is a poke in the eye. Bullies bluster and carry on. Allow them to continue and they'll just keep pushing the boundaries. Inevitably, as history tells us is true 100% of the time, someone must stand up to bullies or they win.