Friday, June 10, 2011

Palin EMail Feeding Frenzy: Are You Ready For 20 Billion (Or More!) Media Writings/Postings About This? How Lame ARE We?

Look, I'm not a big fan of Governor Palin but the intensity of the media's fanatical obsession with finding dirt on her is just insane. If you think the media has paid too much attention on the subject of 'all things Palin' which is of rather marginal REAL importance, fasten your seat belt.

Now that they have their hands on thousands of her EMails during her tenure as governor we will no doubt be subjected to TORTUROUS amounts of comments, analyses and criticisms of Palin's actions, thinking, even her grammar no doubt. Just imagine how bad this will be!

We have thousands of people out there who'd like nothing more than to spend the next two years commenting on how stupid they think she is and being otherwise critical over every statement and all the grammar. So multiply, say 8,000 people by 12,000 EMails (they'll all have something to say about each one) and you get, at a minimum, some 100 MILLION analyses and commentaries. Add to that all the bloggers who'll reply to all those analyses and we could be faced with a deluge of some 20 Billion things posted in newspapers and on-line. Probabaly more than that!

I have three questions. When has anything remotely like this been done to anyone? Isn't the reaction to this one human completely ridiculous and insane? Don't we have more important things to discuss?

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