Our son, Matt, and his wonderful wife, Heather, are having one of those periods in a marriage that becomes extraordinarily memorable. Karen and I are having fun watching them having fun with it.
Last week their home purchase offer was accepted. It's their first home so it's quite exciting. Closing happens in about three weeks but the inspection is done and didn't uncover anything they're worried about. One's first home is a pretty big deal and they're certainly enjoying this.
Then three days ago Heather completed the last class required for her Master's degree. Graduation is May 9th. We're so proud of her.
Lots to celebrate in the NorIda Olds household. Not wanting to be left out of the fun, Johnny Cash, their Boston Terrier, celebrated with a hearty meal of energy & protein powder mix that he discovered. (That was probably interesting because he's an energetic fellow without getting 'juiced'.)
God Bless Them in this and all their future adventures together!
Thanks Dad! We're super excited...and can't believe it.
See you guys in a week!
hahaha..love the post. and yes, it was very interesting when johnnycash helped himself to the energy and protein powder mix! it's not like he needs extra energy!..he found the powder packets in a box full of stuff we were throwing away (since we are going through our closets/boxes) and treated himself..i cleaned up the mess and threw it away (again) and put stuff on top of it to deter him. well, he somehow found it got into it again a day later..it must be addictive!
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