Isn't America great? These are freedom-loving, average, every day Americans exercising their Constitutional right to peacefully assemble and speak their minds about government actions with which they disagree.
Speaker Pelosi said(!) she thinks rich elitists are behind this and many on the left think this is Fox Broadcasting's doing. Fact is, it's about as grass-roots as it gets. In fact, many Democrats participated out of concern for excessive government control and spending. Mostly however, comments and reactions by critics attest to their disdain for (and fear of?) conservatives in our country who comprise a very large minority.
Homeland Security Chief Napolitano has even alerted law enforcement officials across the country to keep an eye on us and on other 'radicals' who are potential domestic terrorist threats such as people with conservative bumper stickers and military veterans. It's ironic that veterans are on their watch list since we served to protect them and their beliefs.
While insincere (and fake because they don't believe them) apologies are forthcoming about their reactions to the TEA Parties and conservative activities, we must understand that their initial words and actions illustrate their TRUE feelings and inclinations toward these beliefs and activities. They've always vociferously protected and claimed protection for people peacefully expressing views they agree with so what they're doing is at least hypocritical and unfair. It also flies in the face of Constitutional principles AND protections for ALL Americans, including conservatives.
There's something very worrisome going on in our country when Homeland Security starts worrying this much about trouble we conservatives and veterans might cause. It attests to the rationality and logic behind the 1st, 2nd and 10th amendments don't you think? It also attests to the wisdom and vision of our founding fathers in attempting to establish a balance of powers among political parties and between branches of government. That balance is clearly under assault and in danger of being lost in legislation and judicial edicts directed toward fake 'fairness' (ie, actually only serving their own beliefs, agendas and political priorities).
Clearly the founding fathers understood the danger of ANY one political party controlling too much of government. They understood (as evidenced in the Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and Constitution) it's historically true that, without checks and balances, self-interest, self-preservation and paranoia kick in at some point and one party begins restricting the activities of the other using political, social, judicial, and law enforcement tools at their disposal or of their creation. What's happening should alarm all freedom-loving citizens because it could just as easily happen to anyone no matter their political affiliation.
The people leading our government institutions have somehow come to forget they're required to serve the Constitution and the will of The People. We do not exist to ensure their security. These new corrupt attitudes have been growing in both major parties for a couple of decades but now one party has enough control to actually lead the country in a new direction away from Constitutional principles, away from true freedom. America was formed to be a Republic, no question whatsoever. We are clearly moving in a strongly socialist, arguably marxist direction. We ignore the signs and trends at great risk to our Republic, at great risk to true freedom.
The TEA Parties grew out of concerns like those above among true freedom-loving Americans who believe and embrace the principles expressed by our founding fathers in our foundational laws and documents. We need to think outside our political boxes to understand the danger in order to right the ship we call America.
Fact is we are losing our representative form of government. Not only do Republican representatives get completely shut out of the legislative and executive processes, our so-called elected representatives in either party don't read and reasonably debate legislation. That means, in effect, that there's no assurance whatsoever that legislation represents ANY American. How can there be if they don't even read, much less understand what they sign? In their arrogance they no longer believe they work for us. Constitutionally, we don't serve their political whims or those of special interests, they serve our will. They are supposed to protect our security and freedom, then get out of our way! Instead government has grown into a self-serving behemoth that consumes some 45% of all jobs in the country. They show mind-boggling disdain for and disrespect of citizens. Indeed they disrespect our founding documents and laws. This is a fundamental failure of those we've been electing in both parties, increasing relentlessly and significantly over the past couple of decades.
How many times do we have to hear "we won so we get to do it our way" before we realize this is UNrepresentative government and is strongly anti-Republic, not just anti-Republican? NO American, Republican or Democrat, should be okay with this total usurpation of power. It flies in the face of the Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and Constitution as well as all principles behind them.
As messy as our two-party system can be it'll be far worse for our Republic to become a one-party system as is currently in process. It is not a road we should travel if we value freedom and want to remain the free, prosperous, generous, peaceful, and strong country we are today.