Monday, April 16, 2012

Even Progressives 'Get' The Issue With ObamaCare

"The Far Right" wasn't so nutty after all! We claimed from the beginning that ObamaCare would cost more, not less, and that it would add to the deficit in spite of President Obama's assurances to the contrary. We used common sense at the time. We had no choice because ObamaCare's instigators were hiding the truth and playing shell games with our tax money. We suspected, based simply on common sense, what has become provably true now. Check out two NRO articles.

First, John Fund's description of what happened includes this:
"As early as last September, a panel of liberal journalists on NBC News consisting of MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, the Huffington Post’s Howard Fineman, and David Ignatius of the Washington Post all agreed that Obama’s “biggest political mistake” was devoting so much time and attention to health care. “The idea of launching a major change in social legislation without having a consensus in the country and in Congress about what that should look like was a mistake,” Ignatius summed up. “That’s just not how a president makes good policy.”"

The reaction of us on 'the far right': Well, DUH!!! Those kinds of comments are startling to progressives across America but we far right crazy people can reasonably and quite rationally claim We Told You So!

Second is Michael Barone's article on the real cost of ObamaCare. Smoke and mirrors at a minimum. Lies and subterfuges would be a more honest assessment.

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