Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Are We Going To Only Stop The Bleeding But Not Go For A Cure ... AGAIN?!?!

Fellow Americans, I'm worried.

There is a bit of a fresh breeze blowing in Congress and we're all feeling a bit relieved that they appear to actually accept the fact that something must be done about debt and their complete lack of self-control over spending. But I'm worried that they'll first just stop the bleeding and when the bleeding's stopped, they'll sit back, take a big cleansing breath, congratulate themselves on saving the country, and then not pursue an actual cure of the underlying disease of irresponsibility and incompetence at conducting The People's business.

I don't mind having this debate again and I realize how difficult it will be if done resolutely to achieve a real, lasting fix. It's too complicated a problem to require an actual fix in the short time before an increase in the borrowing limit is needed. So, we will have to return to the table to get down to the difficult business of a real fix. If you think what we've been doing so far has been difficult, divisive and rancorous just wait until we move on to discussing an actual fix!

Stopping the bleeding and the difficulty of an actual fix will(!) tend to make our representatives go into avoidance mode and make all kinds of excuses for not making real progress on a real fix. Therefore, We The People must provide them with the motivation to do it anyway. It's their job and they OWE it to us after getting us into this mess in the first place. It's time they earned their pay by doing the hard work they've been putting off for far too long.

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