Wednesday, December 22, 2010

'Only' Unfit? More Importantly, Unprepared For Life!

A new Pentagon study shows that 75% of Americans ages 17 to 24 do not qualify for the military because:
  1. They're physically unfit (note that's a disqualification regarding fitness, not disabilities),
  2. Have criminal records and/or
  3. Didn't graduate from high school.

Anyone who knows anything about the military knows the physical requirements for getting into the military are not all that rigorous. And the other two requirements are just things that shouldn't be going on in ANY civil society to this extent.

As bad a commentary on our youth as the first sentence above is, I think that such a few number of people qualifying for military duty is the least of our country's issues. Those aren't simply qualifications for military service, they're qualifications for getting by in life.

Sad, sad statement about our youth!

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