Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Freedom Through Strength

So, President Obama thinks taking the teeth out of our 'deterrent' strategy is a good thing. We don't want our enemies to fear us, right? We want them to like us enough to play fair and dumbing down our nuclear and other strategies achieves that, right?

Well, here's what one of the greatest threats of our age has to say about that:

Hmmmm. Gives one pause, eh?

By the way, President Obama and his administration made a huge deal out of his recent nuclear warhead reduction announcement as a terrific accomplishment. Obama said he's reducing the number of warheads from some 2,500 today to 1,500 which sounds good, right? Problem is Bush left office with us already on track to reduce them to 1,700 so in reality Obama has only increased the reduction by 200. Some accomplishment!

Here are the FACTS if you're interested in them (versus the Koolaid from The Media and the administration):

Jan 3, 1993: US and Russia both have about 10,000 warheads. Today Bush Sr (after working on this throughout his time in office) and Yeltsin signed START II in which they agreed to reduce these levels by 3,000 to 3,500 each. In addition, sea-based weapons were to be cut to 1,750 each and ALL land-based multiple-warhead missiles were to be eliminated. It all meant that by 2003 ¾ of all nuclear warheads possessed by both sides would be destroyed.

May 24, 2002: Putin and Bush Jr signed the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty by which they agreed to cut the nuclear warheads of each side from levels of between 6,000 and 7,000 to between 1,700 and 2,200 each by 2012. By the time Bush Jr left office this plan was on track toward the goal of 1,700 by 2012, having reduced the stockpiles by half so far during his time in office.

April 5, 2010: Under the Bush Jr agreement, the number of warheads has now been reduced to approximately 2,500 by each country and is still on track toward Bush Jr’s goal of 1,700 by 2012. Today Obama announced that he’s reducing the stockpile from that current 2,500 to 1,500 by 2012 which is only 200 less than Bush Jr had agreed to and was on track to accomplish.

While Obama loudly touts this ‘big’ accomplishment in warhead levels, it’s interesting to put his further reduction of 200 warheads in true perspective relative to what Bush Sr and Bush Jr actually accomplished ... from 10,000 to 2,500 and on track to 1,700 by 2012. Hmmmm.

Question, based on actual facts: which party's presidents have done the best job of ridding us of nuclear weapons (by a ratio of 8,300 to 200)?

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