Sunday, December 13, 2009

Time For A Third Party ... Really

As a 'dyed-in-the-wool' Republican, I have a hard time saying this but it does seem to be time for a third political party. Check out the latest Rasmussen poll results to the question (shortened version): 'If The Tea-Party Folks Organized Themselves Into A (Competent) Political Party, With Whom Would You Vote?:
Democratic: 36%
Republican: 18%
Tea Party: 23%

It shows us two things that are going on:
1. It is certainly, to a significant extent, a vote in support of such a party.
2. It is also, to a significant extent, a 'vote' AGAINST both 'major' political parties.

What I like about such a third party is that neither of the current major political parties would have control over legislation without working cooperative with the other two.

Yes, it would likely usher in a period of little getting done in Congress as each party's partisanship kept it from conceeding anything. But would that be such a bad thing? Considering what both parties have been doing throughout recent decades, couldn't we actually do without their brands of legislation for a while? Wouldn't no legislation be better than what we now have going on? Of course it would!

But what will it take for them to 'get' that We The People' are FED UP with politics as usual? Politics that serves both party agenda and special interests above the will of The People and/or what's actually in The People's best long-term interests? Amazingly, it appears that they truly don't get it yet! They need a serious slap in the face and this could very well deliver the medicine that's needed don't you think?

What do we have to lose with a third party in play whose focus is freedom and constitutional principles and values as originally intended, not as interpreted as 'relative' to today? We may lose a little in terms of the good effects of liberal or conservative policies but we have much more to gain that far outweighs those minor drawbacks.

In the end, Democrats and Republicans would have to work with other parties to get anything done. With a strong third party whose focus is on more traditional constitutional values and principles, they would necessarily have to gravitate legislation to what's in the best interests of The People, rather than special interests. We could have REAL REFORM on Capitol Hill whose institutions are in dire need of it!

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