Monday, October 19, 2009

The Only Thing That's Transparent: He's The Demander In Chief

The president and his administration have gone off the deep end attacking conservative/Republican opposition. The extent to which he and Democrats in Congress are committed to taking our country on a hard left turn is astonishing and inconsistent with their consitutional responsibilities.

What they don't get is this. Just because we elected them does NOT mean we automatically agree with everything they want to do and therefore grant to them full authority and license to do whatever they want. Dissent is completely American now just as it was during the Viet Nam war in the 60's and the Iraq war under Bush. If they don't get that, they don't understand the constitution or the principles on which our country was founded.

The founders of our country never intended for one political party to be able to institute changes of such magnitude so unilaterally, and with malice, disdain and hostility toward opposition. Total majority rule to this extent was never intended. Our founders went out of their way to express their concern about this happening, declaring this to be a Republic (ie, full and fair representation of and participation by all Americans) in the process of creating the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

The current administration clearly wants submission to its will and obedience of its demands and laws from us. We allow this at great risk to our Republic!

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