Monday, January 5, 2009

Stimulus Package: Rush to act without sufficient proof the extreme action and sacrifice are needed ... haven't we been here before?

No (real) good can possibly come out of having as a goal spending mind-boggling amounts of money as fast as possible to 'stimulate' our economy. It's a proven formula for waste, fraud and fundamental failure. And nobody is more adept at waste, fraud and wrong-headed action on this kind of scale than our government, especially our current set of elected 'representatives'. The only credible explanation why they are in such a hurry is they'll get too much resistance to spending so much and spending it on what they want if they wait until emotions settle down on this economic trouble we're in. 'Emergencies' have become just an excuse for them to get away with something they couldn't otherwise. This behavior is EXACTLY what much of the country criticized Bush for regarding Iraq (rush to act in a window while emotions are running high and there's sufficient support to get away with it without sufficient proof it's needed) so why are we willing to let them get away with this?

Saying you're "shovel-ready" with myriad ways to spend citizens' money quickly sounds smart but what good is it if you're not digging in the right place or, if you are, you're making the hole deeper instead of filling it in?

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