President Obama criticized Romney last week for saying something he didn't even say and taking a position he didn't even take regarding going after Bin Laden.
Romney NEVER said not to go after OBL but he did say we'd best not lose our focus on the bigger problem we have with international terrorism. He always said we should go after OBL but warned against taking too many resources off the general threat in order to accomplish that. So, President Obama is quoting Romney totally out of context and stating a supposition as if fact that maybe Romney wouldn't have approved such a raid as the one that killed OBL. OBL committed the greatest act of terrorism against our homeland in our entire history. Does anyone except president Obama actually think ANY American president would not go after OBL? Turns out however that there is one president who
actually failed to act and he's now lecturing Romney. (More on that below.)
Well, not so fast with your criticism Mr. President! Don't you remember that, contrary to what Romney actually said, your own VP (Biden)
actually said we should not go after OBL? Obama's own VP
actually said what Obama is falsely accusing Romney of saying. Hmmmmm. Mr. President your hypocrisy and tendency to bend/twist the truth are showing again.
We've also just seen President Clinton get on this bandwagon and criticize Romney for saying/believing something that Romney did not say/believe. I almost fell off my chair when I heard Clinton criticize Romney when it is
factually true that Clinton is the only president who in fact
did choose not to get OBL when he could have. And he did so not once but at three different opportunities!!!
The country's leading Democrats are coming unglued folks. This kind of nonsense is unbecoming a president and we have the last two Democratic presidents practicing this hypocrisy and mean-spirited behavior.