No more blogging for two or three weeks while I'm away on a camping/fishing trip. (Check my previous blog for the what, where, who of it.) I'll be Tweeting however. :-)
P.S. I miss you Sweetheart!
Commentary about government nuttiness and getting back to basic values and principles such as integrity, honesty, doing what's right, personal responsibility, and mutual respect. Also, comments about retired life in Roseburg, OR, Olds family highlights and cool pictures.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Where I'll Be Tomorrow

Friday, May 22, 2009
Ready For My Fishing Trip With Son Chris
Plans are firm now and the date is fast approaching when Chris and I will do some fly fishing together. I'm leaving with the trailer Monday (May 25th) and will be looking for a good campground in the Shasta CA area. It'll be about a 4.5 hour trip for me I think.
Chris plans to join me on Sunday, May 31st, and return home on June 4th. The only thing certain about our fishing plans is guided fly fishing on the Upper Sacramento River May 2nd. The rest of our time together will be spent hanging out and fishing whenever/wherever we feel like at the time.
By arriving several days before Chris I'll be able to find a good campground and get a campsite set up for us. Then I'll spend several days getting familiar with where and how to fish the many good rivers in the Shasta area, hopefully getting in some quality fishing time by myself.
According to current reports, Shasta area rivers are beginning to clear up now and will be getting low enough to fish well around the time I arrive but may not be their best until about the time Chris arrives. I may stick around a few days after Chris leaves, especially if the rivers haven't lowered enough and bug hatches haven't developed well enough to provide me with some good fishing the days I'm there before Chris arrives.
Chris' last day of school work was today. It's been a challenging semester for him in the Music Ed Program at San Jose State so I know he's more than ready for some fun time throwing some flies at trout. I'm certainly ready ... it's been a long, cold winter and I'm hankerin' for some decent fishing. Whether we catch many fish (although I expect we will!) it'll be a good time together.
Chris plans to join me on Sunday, May 31st, and return home on June 4th. The only thing certain about our fishing plans is guided fly fishing on the Upper Sacramento River May 2nd. The rest of our time together will be spent hanging out and fishing whenever/wherever we feel like at the time.
By arriving several days before Chris I'll be able to find a good campground and get a campsite set up for us. Then I'll spend several days getting familiar with where and how to fish the many good rivers in the Shasta area, hopefully getting in some quality fishing time by myself.
According to current reports, Shasta area rivers are beginning to clear up now and will be getting low enough to fish well around the time I arrive but may not be their best until about the time Chris arrives. I may stick around a few days after Chris leaves, especially if the rivers haven't lowered enough and bug hatches haven't developed well enough to provide me with some good fishing the days I'm there before Chris arrives.
Chris' last day of school work was today. It's been a challenging semester for him in the Music Ed Program at San Jose State so I know he's more than ready for some fun time throwing some flies at trout. I'm certainly ready ... it's been a long, cold winter and I'm hankerin' for some decent fishing. Whether we catch many fish (although I expect we will!) it'll be a good time together.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Yay Chris! Yay Matt!
My sons are always surprising and blessing me. Both are living life with a lot of maturity and responsibility. That's not unusual but there are times like now that bring more clarity to how far they've come in their (nearly) 30 years. I'm happy to see it ... more so for them than for personal satisfaction.
Chris just concluded one of the toughest semesters one can have in one of the toughest programs (Music Ed) for a person who also has to put himself through school. He did it with much sacrifice and hard work. Also with very impressive commitment and persistence. Proud of him? You bet! But more than anything it's further evidence (and proof ... to him) he'll do well in life long after I'm gone.
Matt has proven and well established himself in his chosen profession ... a ministry (much more than a 'job') actually. He's a valued and productive contributor to the mission at His Place Church in Post Falls, ID. He just keeps growing in those responsibilities and there seems to be no limit to ways in which he can make a contribution and demonstrate leadership. Cool! Now he and his wife, Heather, are beginning a new chapter in their lives with the confluence of two major accomplishments ... Heather's Master's Degree and the purchase of their first home (closing on 5/29).
My sons have always blessed me.
Chris just concluded one of the toughest semesters one can have in one of the toughest programs (Music Ed) for a person who also has to put himself through school. He did it with much sacrifice and hard work. Also with very impressive commitment and persistence. Proud of him? You bet! But more than anything it's further evidence (and proof ... to him) he'll do well in life long after I'm gone.
Matt has proven and well established himself in his chosen profession ... a ministry (much more than a 'job') actually. He's a valued and productive contributor to the mission at His Place Church in Post Falls, ID. He just keeps growing in those responsibilities and there seems to be no limit to ways in which he can make a contribution and demonstrate leadership. Cool! Now he and his wife, Heather, are beginning a new chapter in their lives with the confluence of two major accomplishments ... Heather's Master's Degree and the purchase of their first home (closing on 5/29).
My sons have always blessed me.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Heather Graduates!

Heather, our youngest son's wife, received her Master of Social Work degree Saturday in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. We were able to attend the ceremony and it was fun to see her and Matt reap the rewards of their commitment to this. Heather has a generous spirit and a good heart for this kind of work and is committed to making a positive difference in people's lives. God Bless her in this work and bless those whose lives she touches.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Immigration Reform: Historical Congressional Irresponsibility
Poll after poll, year after year for nearly 30 years, showed that American citizens:
Mostly, their reason for not doing what we want is about getting re-elected. No one, Republican or Democrat, wants to risk losing the Latino vote. The sad bottom-line is, Special Interests have more influence with our politicians than the majority of Americans. That's a whole other subject for another day but it's crucial to this issue.
They obviously figure if they can just wait long enough and avoid getting locked into legislation they really don't want to pass, the percentage of Americans who oppose their approach will eventually decrease to a point where they CAN eventually have their way. If they actually passed legislation that citizens wanted in the meantime then they'd have to follow it and it would be difficult to change later. It's easier to just wait us out and do it their way later. Waiting is almost as good as passing legislation that illegal immigrants want. For sure it's better to wait than alienate people who are here illegally.
For reference, from my 05/02/09 post, here is what most Americans want:
- Want their representatives to DO SOMETHING to stop illegal immigration and
- Oppose amnesty AND any new path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.
Mostly, their reason for not doing what we want is about getting re-elected. No one, Republican or Democrat, wants to risk losing the Latino vote. The sad bottom-line is, Special Interests have more influence with our politicians than the majority of Americans. That's a whole other subject for another day but it's crucial to this issue.
They obviously figure if they can just wait long enough and avoid getting locked into legislation they really don't want to pass, the percentage of Americans who oppose their approach will eventually decrease to a point where they CAN eventually have their way. If they actually passed legislation that citizens wanted in the meantime then they'd have to follow it and it would be difficult to change later. It's easier to just wait us out and do it their way later. Waiting is almost as good as passing legislation that illegal immigrants want. For sure it's better to wait than alienate people who are here illegally.
For reference, from my 05/02/09 post, here is what most Americans want:
- NO MORE Amnesties ... period. To say that means we don't care ignores the FACT that we've approved MANY amnesties. We're just saying we've reached our limit.
- NO new/faster path to citizenship. Existing laws have worked fine for two hundred years and we therefore have no justifiable reason to change them.
- Implement a Guest Worker Visa.
- Close the border and enforce border security ... ASAP.
- Enforce existing immigration laws. Sanctuary cities are by definition against the law. Communities aren't immune to federal law.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Tax Cheat Irony Today
How, I say how, did President Obama and Tim Geithner keep straight faces today describing at a press conference that they're going after companies that don't pay taxes? President Obama hired more tax cheats for his cabinet, including Mr. Geithner, than any president in memory and he's going to get tough on tax cheats? Of course, it's about time but you've gotta love the irony!
One suggestion though. Perhaps, before they go after companies, they should start with public officials beginning at the top in Washington!?!?
One suggestion though. Perhaps, before they go after companies, they should start with public officials beginning at the top in Washington!?!?
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Immigration Reform: The Basics
I get this scary feeling that our Democratic and, perhaps, Republican representatives are working hard on immigration reform and are going to try to slip under the radar the policies they want, not what citizens want. Of course, it's easy for the Dems to do that now that we have 1-party rule. I fully expect them to try to implement immigration reform that THEY want without ANY effort whatsoever to learn, much less follow, what We The People want.
What most of us want of course is what we've wanted for the 30 or so years our so-called representatives have been ignoring us on this issue. The main issue is whether to grant amnesty and/or a new quicker/easier path to citizenship for people who've flaunted and broken our laws to come here illegally.
Here, in fact, is what most of us want ... AND is appropriate according to all reasonable laws and the constitution.
1. NO MORE Amnesties ... period. To say that means we don't care ignores the FACT that we've approved MANY amnesties. We're just saying we've reached our limit.
2. NO new/faster path to citizenship. Existing laws have worked fine for two hundred years and we therefore have no justifiable reason to change them.
3. Implement a Guest Worker Visa.
4. Close the border and enforce border security ... ASAP.
5. Enforce existing immigration laws. Sanctuary cities are by definition against the law. Communities aren't immune to federal law.
This is COMPLETELY fair. After all, we'll be implementing NEW LAWS to SUPPORT immigrants being here legally for work when conditions in their home countries don't permit them to have a decent living.
This approach does NOT mean automatically sending illegal immigrants back. It's a lie to claim it does. All they have to do is find a job that qualifies for a guest worker visa and they can stay. But, as has ALWAYS been the case, it is illegal for anyone to stay here indefinitely without a visa of some kind.
Even if they do have to return to their home country, it does NOT mean automatically breaking up their family because they can take everyone home with them. There is NOTHING forcing any of them to stay.
For 30 years our so-called representatives have repeatedly asked us to please let them grant ONE MORE amnesty. Each time WE DID. In return EACH TIME they PROMISED never to ask for another amnesty and they promised to close the border and enforce our laws. That we now have this mind-boggling big problem with illegal immigrants is a problem of our legislators' creation and we citizens are NOT automatically obliged to approve something they want, especially since they're promised to do it our way and stop pursuing a policy most Americans oppose. It's time they stop yielding to special interests and YIELD to the will of We The People. They have NO right to make law-abiding Americans pay a price for their incompetetence and for choosing to ignore our will and their promises. They cannot claim we're being unfair after all these years of yielding to their begging to allow more anmesties. We are paying a huge price for their incompetetence on this and we do not accept making it hugely worse by granting amnesty OR a faster path to citizenship for some 15 to 20 million people who are here illegally.
We want our representatives to do what We The People want ... what they've been promising they'd do for about 30 years. Remember for whom you work and do what we want ... for a change.
By the way, if this sounds angry to you there's a reason. After years and years of being lied to and ignored we've finally had all we can take. Those in the younger generations should step back and think about the consequences of basically opening our borders completely to whomever wants to come here. There ARE consequences to our society that are unpleasant. It DOES NOT mean we're not going to let people immigrate. We just want them to immigrate legally in ways our society is able to absorb and support. It's a sufficient and generous(!) concession to create new laws that allow them to be here legally for work which is why they claim they need to be here.
What most of us want of course is what we've wanted for the 30 or so years our so-called representatives have been ignoring us on this issue. The main issue is whether to grant amnesty and/or a new quicker/easier path to citizenship for people who've flaunted and broken our laws to come here illegally.
Here, in fact, is what most of us want ... AND is appropriate according to all reasonable laws and the constitution.
1. NO MORE Amnesties ... period. To say that means we don't care ignores the FACT that we've approved MANY amnesties. We're just saying we've reached our limit.
2. NO new/faster path to citizenship. Existing laws have worked fine for two hundred years and we therefore have no justifiable reason to change them.
3. Implement a Guest Worker Visa.
4. Close the border and enforce border security ... ASAP.
5. Enforce existing immigration laws. Sanctuary cities are by definition against the law. Communities aren't immune to federal law.
This is COMPLETELY fair. After all, we'll be implementing NEW LAWS to SUPPORT immigrants being here legally for work when conditions in their home countries don't permit them to have a decent living.
This approach does NOT mean automatically sending illegal immigrants back. It's a lie to claim it does. All they have to do is find a job that qualifies for a guest worker visa and they can stay. But, as has ALWAYS been the case, it is illegal for anyone to stay here indefinitely without a visa of some kind.
Even if they do have to return to their home country, it does NOT mean automatically breaking up their family because they can take everyone home with them. There is NOTHING forcing any of them to stay.
For 30 years our so-called representatives have repeatedly asked us to please let them grant ONE MORE amnesty. Each time WE DID. In return EACH TIME they PROMISED never to ask for another amnesty and they promised to close the border and enforce our laws. That we now have this mind-boggling big problem with illegal immigrants is a problem of our legislators' creation and we citizens are NOT automatically obliged to approve something they want, especially since they're promised to do it our way and stop pursuing a policy most Americans oppose. It's time they stop yielding to special interests and YIELD to the will of We The People. They have NO right to make law-abiding Americans pay a price for their incompetetence and for choosing to ignore our will and their promises. They cannot claim we're being unfair after all these years of yielding to their begging to allow more anmesties. We are paying a huge price for their incompetetence on this and we do not accept making it hugely worse by granting amnesty OR a faster path to citizenship for some 15 to 20 million people who are here illegally.
We want our representatives to do what We The People want ... what they've been promising they'd do for about 30 years. Remember for whom you work and do what we want ... for a change.
By the way, if this sounds angry to you there's a reason. After years and years of being lied to and ignored we've finally had all we can take. Those in the younger generations should step back and think about the consequences of basically opening our borders completely to whomever wants to come here. There ARE consequences to our society that are unpleasant. It DOES NOT mean we're not going to let people immigrate. We just want them to immigrate legally in ways our society is able to absorb and support. It's a sufficient and generous(!) concession to create new laws that allow them to be here legally for work which is why they claim they need to be here.
Friday, May 1, 2009
TEA Parties: President's Opinion ... Scary
The media and leading Democrats have been trying to define or dismiss the TEA Parties held across the nation on April 15th. They all pretty much don't understand and, worse, don't WANT to understand why we did what we did. I expected the response we got from 'the media', Pelosi and others on the left but I didn't expect what our President said.
In a town hall meeting this week President Obama dismissed the TEA Parties as insignificant and basically insulted the participants. He showed disdain for us by describing us as a bunch of "tea bag waving" conservatives and said he'd rather have an "intelligent conversation" about the issues. Obviously, a country-wide protest demonstrates the protesters' lack of intelligence ... unless it's a demonstration for liberal issues which, by definition, are intelligent and patriotic. As he was talking he was snickering(!) disdainfully at what we had done. Oh good. An insulting and dismissive attitude by the President toward people peacefully exercising their constitutional right to protest something we want government to do differently. That's leadership we can appreciate huh? Disrespecting us is a good way to help unify the country as he promised to do, right?
All the people at our TEA Party here in Roseburg, OR seemed like ordinary Americans to me. Many were retired and a significant number were veterans. The Commander in Chief disrespecting veterans? Disrespecting ordinary Americans exercising their constitutional rights and practicing principles behind a government of the people? Interesting response by someone who promised to represent all the people.
It was scary enough when the head of national security recently warned law enforcement across the country to watch out for conservatives, people with conservative bumper-stickers and veterans as potential national security risks. To have the President disrespect and be dismissive of those same people too is a serious matter that shouldn't be taken lightly. I'm a Viet Nam era vet and a conservative. Also, I participated in our local TEA Party. Should I be concerned what our government might make of that? Hmmmm.
In a town hall meeting this week President Obama dismissed the TEA Parties as insignificant and basically insulted the participants. He showed disdain for us by describing us as a bunch of "tea bag waving" conservatives and said he'd rather have an "intelligent conversation" about the issues. Obviously, a country-wide protest demonstrates the protesters' lack of intelligence ... unless it's a demonstration for liberal issues which, by definition, are intelligent and patriotic. As he was talking he was snickering(!) disdainfully at what we had done. Oh good. An insulting and dismissive attitude by the President toward people peacefully exercising their constitutional right to protest something we want government to do differently. That's leadership we can appreciate huh? Disrespecting us is a good way to help unify the country as he promised to do, right?
All the people at our TEA Party here in Roseburg, OR seemed like ordinary Americans to me. Many were retired and a significant number were veterans. The Commander in Chief disrespecting veterans? Disrespecting ordinary Americans exercising their constitutional rights and practicing principles behind a government of the people? Interesting response by someone who promised to represent all the people.
It was scary enough when the head of national security recently warned law enforcement across the country to watch out for conservatives, people with conservative bumper-stickers and veterans as potential national security risks. To have the President disrespect and be dismissive of those same people too is a serious matter that shouldn't be taken lightly. I'm a Viet Nam era vet and a conservative. Also, I participated in our local TEA Party. Should I be concerned what our government might make of that? Hmmmm.
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